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Chaeyoung's POV

The store owner approached me upon arrival in the store which made me bowed.

"Good afternoon sir",  I greeted

"Here",  he handed me a brown envelope and I opened to see what's inside

"What's this?",  I asked

"Your wages for the last week up until today",  he answered

"Why are you giving it in advance?"

"'Cause you're fired",  he patted me on the shoulder

"What? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong but I found a replacement who can work full time"

"Is it the only reason why you suddenly fired me?",  I asked but he paused for a moment and nodded

"Thank you kid, you've helped my store earn a lot of profit when you started to work here together with the tall guy---"

"And yet you're firing me",  I cutted him off

"I was just ordered"

I stared at him and he laughed awkwardly.

"Who ordered you?",  I asked

"N-No one"


"You better go now 'cause the customers were coming in",  he pushed me out of the convenience store and I decided to go back in the condo

I opened the door revealing Mina in front of me and hugged me.

"You're early",  she whispered

"I miss you",  I said and she hit me lightly on the chest

"It's not like we're not together in the school earlier",  she giggled

"But I really miss you though"

"What do you want?"



"You asked me what I want and I just answered your question"

"I'm all yours"

"I want you on my bed, now~"

"It's not funny",  she rolled her eyes at me and I carried her in a bridal style which made her panic

"What are you doing?! Put me down!",  she tried to move nonstop for me to let her down

"I told you that I want you on my bed right now"

"Yah! Stop!"

I put her down carefully on the bed and she was about to stand but I pushed her to lay down making myself on top of her.


I looked at her straight in the eyes as she did the same and slowly leaned my face closer to her which made her eyes closed.

"Why are you closing your eyes?",  I asked which made her open her eyes and glared at me

"You! Pervert!!"

"How I become a pervert? I didn't even do anything malicious to you",  I tilted my head

"Then why are you on top of me??!"

"Oh, yeah. Remember, I want to be always on your top"

"Yah! Stop!!"

"By the way, Lisa told me before our class has finally ended that we should practice on making baby penguins or baby beasts. What does he mean by practicing? I actually didn't understand of what he meant about it"

I noticed her face suddenly blushed hard.

"I love you~",  I kissed her on the forehead and lay down beside her

"I love you too~",  she buried her face on my neck

A few minutes later..



"Do you think my dad did it?"

"I don't know, why?"

"'Cause I don't think he'll do something like what's going on with our friends"

"I can't tell if he's really the one behind of it"

"He's my dad, I know he won't do such things"

"And I know you miss them already",  I took a glanced at her and her eyes become teary

"Do you want to see them?",  I asked but she didn't answer

"You can tell me if you want to meet them"

"But how about you?"

"Don't worry about me 'cause I'll be fine"

"Just always remember if you ever changed your mind of choosing them over me, I'll never be mad at you as long as you show that you're happy with the choice you made",  I added and smiled at her

She didn't respond to what I've said and just hugged me tightly which made her fell asleep.

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