2 Announcement

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Lisa's POV

At the cafeteria

"Woah! What an amazing entrance! Hahaha! I also want to do it!", I clapped my hands while watching the two in the quadrangle

"Are they a couple?", Chae asked

"No one confirmed but many rumors spread about them being sweet like a real couple", a random girl answered and suddenly pulled Chae's tie which made him closer to her

"How about you? Are you single?", she bit her lower lip and gazed at him seductively but Chae ignored her and walked away

"What about me? Aren't you going to ask me? I'm the hottest! Okay?! You can date me instead of him because he's not interested with anyone", I gave my cellphone and she immediately type her number

"Thanks, I'll see you around Rawrr~", I said and the girl giggled

We were about to go into our classroom but suddenly heard the speaker of our school was turned on which made all of us listened carefully.

"Mic test, Mic test"

"Good morning, welcome to JYP University! I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays. We are here to officially announce the Top 10 students who qualified based on their general average during junior high..

In 10th place Kim Taehyung
9th - Yoo Jeongyeon
8th - Im Nayeon
7th - Kim Dahyun
6th - Chou Tzuyu
5th - Park Jihyo
4th - Minatozaki Sana and Hirai Momo
3rd - Lalisa Manoban
2nd - Myoui Mina
1st - Musuko Chae

Congratulations and good luck! Have a nice day!"

I felt like everyone chattered about the ranking and addressed my attention to Chae who's currently praising and hugging himself.

"Congrats! I'm so proud of you!"

As we entered the classroom, someone suddenly coughed behind me and I didn't have the chance to look if who was it because Chae immediately pulled me to the empty seats at the back next to the window.

Sana's POV

We gazed at each other and laughed after the announcement.

"We're tied!", I giggled and hugged Momo

"As if we never included in top ten, duh~", Nayeon unnie rolled her eyes and flipped her hair

"Why do the other top ten names mentioned seem familiar? It's like I've heard it before? And how come you're not in the 1st place anymore Mina?", Jihyo uttered which made us stared at Mina who just shrugged her shoulders

"Yoo Jeongyeon is the heir of Yoo Financial Group which was included in top 15 as one of the profitable businesses in South Korea", Momo said blankly

"Do you know him?", Dahyun asked

"Yes and he's ---", she was cutted off when someone abruptly joined our conversation which made made us looked at the person who's already standing beside us

"Are you talking about me?", he asked and stared at Momo then quickly approached her

"Jokbal! How are you? Did you miss me?", he was about to hug her but immediately blocked by Dahyun

"Not my girl bro", he said politely and both of them glared at each other for a moment but the silence was broken when the guy started talking

"Am I not allowed to hug my marriage partner?", he asked and Dahyun instantly looked at Momo

"We'll talk about it later", she intertwined her fingers to Dahyun which made the latter behaved and turned back her attention to the guy with a death glare

"Will you just shut the fuck up Jeongyeon?"

"Easy girl, hahaha!"

"What an ostrich", Nayeon unnie muttered and the guy stared at her

"What are you staring at?!! Don't tell me you were mesmerized by my beauty?", she fanned herself and smirked

"Do you know each other?", I asked

"No and I'll never be interested to know someone like him!"

"Are you friends with her?", he asked and pointed to Nayeon then we nodded as an answer

"And so?!", she threw her bag to the guy but he was able to catch it

"It's a pity", he approached Nayeon to give back the bag and our eyes widened when...

"WHAAT THE ----- ", Jihyo shouted which made us more shocked

He stole a kiss from Nayeon and went back to his seat with a smirk on his face. She was left frozen. I went closer to her and bit the tips of my fingers playfully.

"How was the kiss? Did you like it? Tell me~", I giggled

"Unnie? Are you okay?", Mina snapped her fingers in front of unnie which made her back to her senses

She started blushing and immediately covered her face.

"You're acting cute unnie~ hahaha~"

"I didn't know that you changed your taste in guys", Momo teased her too but quickly stop

"Guys", we looked at her except Nayeon and waited to continue on what she was going to say while scrolling the screen of her cellphone

"Kim Taehyung, son of the owner of Jeon Group formerly Kim Group which was also included as one of the profitable businesses in South Korea ranked number 3"

"Chou Tzuyu, he's the son of a General Manager and a physician on a Sports Industry. He has been able to participate internationally but never plays during the official games"

"Lalisa Manoban, he's the only heir of Manoban Group. He's from Thailand. Same with Mina, Jeongyeon, and Taehyung's company it was also recognized as one of the profitable businesses in South Korea ranked number 2"


"That was amazing!"

"And Musuko Chae?", Mina added

"Musuko Chae..."

"What?", Mina furrowed her brows

"Musuko Chae, nothing. I guess he's just an ordinary citizen", Momo showed her cellphone to prove that there's really no information came out about him

"How's that possible?", Jihyo asked doubtfully

"Maybe he's an exchange student?", Nayeon suddenly spoke which caught our attention

"Oh, you're back to earth unnie~ how are you?~", I teased her

"You're still blushing, hahaha", Dahyun teased her too and she just rolled her eyes specifically at Jeongyeon's direction.

A man entered our room with a weird smile on his face and stopped in front of the whiteboard facing us.

"Good morning everyone, before I introduced myself, why don't we start with yourselves first?"

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