56 Black Card

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Chaeyoung's POV

At my condo unit




"What is it?",  I asked

"C-Can I borrow a money from you?",  she asked shyly


"I-I'm going to use it for my thesis",  she answered

"How much?"

"One hundred fifty dollars"

I took out my wallet and realized that I only have a three hundred dollars left. I handed her the money and she suddenly hugged me.

"T-Thank you, I promise I'll pay you back",  she whispered

"It has a twenty percent interest plus a kiss on the cheeks",  I joked and she hit me lightly on the shoulder

"Can you come with me tomorrow?"

"To where?"

"I'm going to buy a book required for our thesis in the bookstore near our school"

"Sure besides I have nothing else to do after class",  I shrugged my shoulders and she smiled at me

I've been watching her since when she sat in front of the vanity table to prepare herself before going out.

"You're already beautiful so you don't need to put make up anymore"

"It's just light"

"You should remove it",

"No",  she furrowed her brows

"We're just going in the bookstore, why does it feel like you're going on a date?",  I giggled and she suddenly threw her towel on my face

"You were the first one who took a bath and you're still in front of the vanity table when I came out of the restroom. It's been thirty minutes and yet you aren't done",  I lay down on the bed

"Give me ten minutes more"

"Okay",  I answered and was about to fall asleep

"Let's go?",  she finally asked after an hour

"Let's go later 'cause I'm already sleepy",  I covered my face with a pillow but she removed it

"The time is ticking!!",  she pulled me up from the bed and dragged me out of the condominium

At the bookstore

She already searched for the book while I looked around 'cause it feels like someone's stalking us.

"What are you looking at?",  she suddenly hugged me from behind

"Nothing, are you done?",  I asked

"I already paid for it, where do you want to go next?",  she asked and pulled away from the hug

"We could go anywhere as long as I am with you"

"Yah~ but I'm always with you!",  she giggled

"Why don't we have our dinner in the fast food restaurant near here?",  I suggested and she nodded

"I receive one hundred dollars and your change is forty-five dollars. Please wait for your number to be called sir, thank you",  the cashier said

We started to eat when I receive the foods we ordered and have a short conversation about her thesis.

I peeked at the glass wall of the restaurant and noticed a guy with a face mask who took a picture of us which made me ran outside to catch him but it was too late.

I immediately headed back to Mina and she stared at me confusedly.

"Sorry, I saw a familiar figure from afar and mistakenly thought it was someone I knew",  I scratched my nape and she just nodded

Who was it?

He's different from the one I caught in the garden of our school who was hiding behind the gateway.

Does it mean Mina's father hired a spy?

I told her that we should go back to the condo unit so I can have some cuddles with her and she laugh at my childishness.

I need to find a new place within a week.

I also need a cash on hand but I don't want to use my black card.

I never used it since when I arrive in South Korea 'cause I wanted to support myself without the help of anyone even if my family force me to use the card but end up doing nothing because it was my choice.

What should I do?

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