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Mina's POV

On our way to the cafeteria and Chae suddenly intertwined his fingers to mine which made my heart beats fast.

I took a glanced at him and he smiled.

"Guys, you may go ahead in the cafeteria",  he said which made everyone turned around to stare at him

"Where are you going?",  Lisa asked and they looked at our hands

"Oh, what a sweet future couples do we have here~",  Jihyo giggled

"We're going in the garden to have our breakfast together",  he answered

"Aren't you going to invite us? 'Cause the more the merrier",  Jeongyeon asked and received a hit from Nayeon

"Don't you know about personal space? Or a moment to be alone with your loved ones?",  Nayeon raised her eyebrows

"Then we're going now",  Dahyun interrupted

"Enjoy your second date",  Momo smirked

Chae nodded and brought me in the garden of our school revealing foods were already prepared on the table when we arrive.

He pulled out the chair for me to sit.

"Did you buy this?",  I asked and gazed at the foods in astonishment

"I cooked all of it",  he answered

"I cooked all the types of food which can be dip on a ketchup. Haha",  he added

I smiled and we started to eat.

"Hmm, it's delicious", as I munched

"Really?",  he stared at me and I nodded

"How did you learn to cook?"

"I'm leaving alone, remember? Haha"

"Aren't you feel lonely when you're alone?",  I asked and he looked at me

"I usually prefer to do things on my own but you keep bothering me and used to it so yeah I felt lonely when I'm not with you",  he chuckled

"I want to tell you something"


I took a deep sighed and started to talk without looking at him.

"I'm always number one in the entire school when we talk about ranking but you came and replaced me which made me anxious because.."


"Because I need to be in the first place to attract entertainment industries for my dream of becoming an idol. I'd a plan to be closed with you so atleast even if I'm in the second place I can still have the chance to keep up with you"

"That's it?",  he asked which made me took a glanced at him

"Aren't you angry?"

"I'm not"

"Why? I used you for my own benefit"

"Do you want me to be mad?"

"Ofcourse not,  but aren't you disappointed or didn't I turned you off?",  I asked and he shrugged his shoulders

"It's not my first time to be used by someone for their own sake and I'll never be angry with the girl I love",  he answered


"Didn't you succeed for keeping up with me?You've also got me and fall in love with you, hahaha"


"Why are you saying sorry to me?"

"'Cause I just used you"

"Is that all you want to say? I thought you're going to reject me",  he laughed awkwardly

"Do you like Rosé?"

"Why? What's up with her?"

"You've been ignoring me when she came in our school and had your own worlds connected when she's with you"

"Are you jealous?"

"Why would I?",  I furrowed my brows

"I'd a crush on her during our primary education and she also admit to have a crush on me"

"Do you still like her?"

"Yes",  he answered and I was about to stand up but he hold me on the arms

"I'm just joking, if I still like her why would I court you?",  he looked at me straight in the eyes

"How about your suitor?",  he asked and sat back on the chair

"I actually don't have any suitors. I don't know what's gotten into Lisa for making up a story"

He suddenly stood up and run outside the garden. I was about to follow him but he immediately came back.

"What was that?",  I stared at him confusedly

"I thought there was someone who's watching us secretly, haha"

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