64 Tofu

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Dahyun's POV

I noticed Momo's been busy on her phone after assisting the South Korea's president son and tried my best not to jump to conclusions.

I was about to peek but her phone suddenly rang and she immediately stood up.

"I'll be right back"

"Where---",  I didn't finish my question when she ran out of the room

"Were you about ask her to where she was heading?",  Jihyo asked but I also ran out of the room to follow her and she looked around the waiting area

A guy appeared behind her and suddenly pecked her on the lips when Momo turn around which made me startled.

"WOAH!",  she covered her mouth and pushed him away

"Why did do that??!"

"I miss you! How's your friend?"

"He's still unconscious",  she pouted

"He'll wake up soon",  he patted Momo on the head

"By the way, what are you doing here?",  she asked with crossed arms

"I followed you",  he winked at her and Momo furrowed her brows

"I came here with my father 'cause it was his regular check-up and I suddenly think of you which made me ask where are you and what you are doing. Luckily, you're also here. It must be fate, right?",  he giggled

I decided to interfere with their conversation and wrapped my arm around my girlfriend's waist.

"Babe~ who is he?",  I tilted my head and she stared at me in shock

"Who are you?",  the guy asked

"Kim Dahyun, I'm his boyfriend",  I answered

"Oh, she always tell me about you when she's with me. My name is Kim Heechul",  he looked at Momo and back to me

"Why are you here?",  she asked

"Am I not allowed to be here? Then I should leave now and I'm sorry for disturbing your moment",  I removed my hand from her waist and headed back to Chae's room

Are you cheating on me?

Please, tell me you aren't.

It ruined my mood and yet I tried my best to smile in front of everyone.

She entered the room after half an hour but I pretended like no one came.

"Woah, I smell something's fishy?",  Nayeon giggled

"Why? Is it your first period??",  Sana asked and Nayeon facepalmed

"Shut the fuck up",  Momo rolled her eyes at Nayeon and sit next to me

"Did you two had a fight?",  Jihyo asked

"We didn't",  I answered

"Babe~ "

Why did he kissed you?


Are you cheating on me?

"Are you jealous?"

Don't you want to explain what's going on between you and him?

"My tofu is jealous~"

Do you still love me?

"Don't be jealous~"

I ain't jealous 'cause I'm hurt. My heartaches of I've seen when you were with him an hour ago.

"Yeah, you should be jealous Dahyun",  Lisa interrupted

"Don't be jealous 'cause he's just a friend",  Momo shook her head

"Yeah, friend with benefits",  Lisa shrugged his shoulders

"He's the son of our current president",  Momo placed her head on my shoulder

"What? He's here? Why didn't tell me??",  Sana stared at her

"Yes, 'cause it was his father's regular check-up today"

"Woah, I wanted to meet him personally",  Sana bit the tip of her fingers playfully

"And why do you want to meet him?",  Tzuyu furrowed his brows

"It's an honour to meet the president's son and he's handsome",  Sana answered

"So you like him?"

"Yes",  Sana giggled and Tzuyu started to ignore her entire existence

"Yah~ I'm only teasing you! I love you~ ",  she kissed him on the cheek

"Babe~ "

"Babe~ ",  she suddenly planted a kiss from lips down to my neck which made me move away and she looked at me like a little bit hurt


"Fight! Fight! Fight!",  Nayeon and Lisa cheered in unison

"Who is he to you?",  I asked

"A friend",  she answered

"Do you like him?"

"But I like you more"

It's a yes.

"And he likes you too"


"I notice how he gazed at you earlier and saw my reflection on him the way how I admire you"

"I love you"

But what about earlier?

She took a step closer to hug me and bury her face on my neck.

"Don't be jealous my tofu. Those people who couldn't have me should be the who's jealous because you're my boyfriend and not them",  she whispered

A boyfriend who you've just cheated on.

"Whipped",  Tzuyu muttered

"Please fight!",  Nayeon whined

I smiled bitterly and hugged her tightly.

You could just tell me if you don't love me anymore. I ain't going to force you to stay with me if I can no longer give you the happiness you'd with him earlier.

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