69 2yeon

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Nayeon's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard my phone rang on my face and saw Jeongyeon's name on the screen.


"Good evening Maam"

"Who's this? Why are you holding Jeongyeon's phone?"

"I'm a bartender from xxx bar, the owner of this phone had a fight with different customers we have here due to drunkenness and caught him kissing their girlfriends. If it's okay ma'am would you mind to pick him up from here?"

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute"

I hang up my phone and prepared myself to go out of Chae's room but Tzuyu suddenly wake up and notice me.

"Where are you going?", he stared at me

"At the xxx bar", I answered


"A bartender just called me to pick up Jeongyeon in the bar"

"I'll go with you", as he stood up

"No thanks, I can go by myself", as I blocked his way

"I should go with you 'cause it's already late at night and what if something goes wrong happened to you? Certainly, my conscience will eat me up", he said blankly

He pushed me lightly and hop in the car. He started the engine and drove away to the bar.


I looked at him and waited to continue on what he was going to say.

"Did you know that you've been sleeping with your phone on your face?", as he addressed his attention on the road

"What?? Who placed it on my face??!"

"Why don't you ask yourself 'cause you've been checking your phone every minute and fall asleep which made us talk about you. It's good thing that you didn't have a nightmares when you were asleep"

"That's why Jihyo's voice was chasing me on my dreams which also wake me up", I rolled my eyes at the window and he already parked the car

"Good evening sir, a bartender called me a while ago that there's a guy involved on a lot of fight here"

"Yes ma'am, please follow me"

The bouncer lead the way and I caught Jeongyeon kissing a girl who's sitting on his lap. I ran towards him and pushed the girl away from him.

"Really? This is what you've been doing for the past few weeks?!!", as I slap him on the face


I run away and my tears started to fall down on my cheeks. Someone suddenly grab me on the arm which made me turn around to see if who was it.

"N-Nayeon it isn't like w-what y-you're thinking", Jeongyeon was about hug me but I quickly push him away

"Are you mad at me?!", I screamed

"Huh? W-Why would I?"

"Did I do something wrong?"


"Then why are you kissing that girl?!"

"I ain't kissing her! I know you've seen it with your own eyes that she's the one who was kissing me on the neck"

"And you let her kissed you!!"

"I didn't! I was just about to push her and you caught me in the wrong timing"

"Then what about the girls that the bartender told me earlier??!"

"I didn't kiss them! All of them suddenly came to me and start kissing me"

"How can I trust your words when it doesn't even relate to your actions?!"

"So after all this time you never trusted me?!!", he suddenly burst out in anger

"I-It isn't like t-that"

"Then what?!", he cutted me off

"Y-You know that I'm afraid to---"

"To trust me?"

I paused for a moment because I don't know what to say for the right words to explain what I meant.

"I ain't going to force you trying this anymore", as he took a deep sighed which made me took a glanced at him

"Let's stop this", he continued and my heart started to beat rapidly

Please, don't continue on what you're going to say.

"Just like Mina, I also don't want to be a burden to you"

Please. Stop!

"If you really can't trust me then we should already stop 'cause I ain't going to beg anyone just to have their trust on me", he walked out as I started cry

"I-It isn't like t-that I don't t-trust you", I murmured and covered my face because I don't want anyone to see me crying

"I-I'm just afraid", I continued

"I'm a-afraid of taking the r-risk to fall in love a-again"

"But I-I already did"

I suddenly felt a hand patting me on the shoulder which made me stare at the person.

"T-Tzu~", I sobbed and he let me cry it out without saying anything

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