50 Break Up or Leave?

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Momo's POV


"Did you miss me?",  he asked and I nodded

"But we had a date yesterday",  he pinched my nose

"And not today",  I pouted

He started to tease me by keeping his face close and apart from mine alternately and I grab the opportunity of kissing him which made him startle.

"Sinadya mo talagang halikan siya sa harap ko noh? Bastos ka din eh, would you show some respect for the singles?",  Jihyo glared at me

"Bitter",  I smirked

"I ain't bitter you're just making my holy eyes dirty",  she rolled her eyes at me

"I've something to tell",  Mina interrupted which made us took a glanced at her

"My parents already knew about my relationship with Chae",  she continued

"And what did they say about you having a relationship with him?",  I asked and she looked down

"They don't want him for me",  she answered

"Why?",  Jihyo asked and we encircled Mina

"They told me that someone like Chae can't provide me a sustainable living if I end up with him. They want me to break up with him or leave the house if I'm going to chose him",  she started to cry

"Then what's your decision?",  I asked and rubbed her back

"I-I don't k-know",  she answered and someone suddenly interrupted which made her startle

"You should choose of what you think is right"

We stared at the person who just arrive in our classroom and walked towards Mina's direction which made us give him a space to sit next to her.

"C-Chae",  all of us murmured

"I'm going to respect no matter what your decision will be so don't worry about me",  he smiled and wiped his girlfriend's tears

"You aren't going to let her choose you?",  Lisa asked

"Nope, let it be her will to choose",  he shook his head and Mina hugged him tightly

"Why do I feel like we're watching a movie?",  Jihyo cried and laughed at the same time

The boys immediately changed the topic to ease the situation.

Chaeyoung's POV

It's already 10 o'clock in the evening and yet I haven't receive any updates from her. Maybe she was busy talking with her family.

My phone suddenly rang which made me look at the screen of my phone.

"Speaking of the penguin",  I giggled

I answered the call and quickly stood up from the bed when she told me that she's right here in front of my condo unit.

I open the door revealing herself who's eyes were puffy.


I was cutted off when she hugged me and started to sob on my chest.

A suitcase caught my attention behind her which made me pushed her lightly

"Did you---",  I wasn't able to finish my question when she immediately nodded

I let her come in first and gave her a glass of water to calm.

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