11 Stalker

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Tzuyu's POV

At the Twicelights

We decided to have our lunch here while the girls ordered foods in the cafeteria with Dahyun.

"It's not impossible though",  Chae tilted his head

"Yeah, remember you're famous",  Lisa added

"We are, but have you ever wondered if who was it?",  Jeongyeon asked and I shrugged my shoulders

I told them that this past few days someone's stalking me. Although it's not the first time it has happened to me.

"I even had a chance to catch the person but was bothered to the old lady whose purchases fell which made the stalker escaped. I felt  something's knotted in my fingers and saw a necklace when I approached her. I guess it gripped on my hands when I held the stalker in the shoulders",  I said and took out the necklace from my bag then showed it

 I guess it gripped on my hands when I held the stalker in the shoulders",  I said and took out the necklace from my bag then showed it

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"That's quite expensive",  Chae commented

"Does it mean your stalker is a girl?",  Lisa asked

I immediately hide the necklace when Dahyun arrived with the girls.

"Let's eat!!",  Momo shouted while preparing the foods on the table and Chae took out his lunchbox

I don't know what's with Sana but she keeps sitting next to me when we're together and it's making me nervous. We began eating and the two fought again when Jeongyeon steal some of Nayeon unnie's food.

"THAT'S MINEEEEE!!",  she shouted and chased Jeongyeon who run away while eating the food he stole from Nayeon

"It's tasty, try this",  Sana placed her spoon with a piece of food in front of me and waited to open my mouth but I ignored her and minded my own

"Here, you can have it",  Mina said and give her foods to Chae


"Eat a lot",  she smiled

We came back to the classroom when we're done eating. A few hours later, the class has finally ended and we parted ways.

I immediately left and went to the convenience store after changing clothes in my condo unit. Chae was surprised when he saw me enter the store.

"What are you doing here?",  he asked

"I found out last week that you're working here when I was just passing by and noticed a lot of customer to be specific girls were coming here",  I answered and the store owner quickly recognized me

"Oh, you're already here. Chae this is Tzuyu our new stock clerk. I'll leave him to your care 'cause I need to go now, it's urgent. Good luck!", the store owner patted me on the shoulders and leave

"Why did you apply?",  Chae asked

"I want to spend my time with you",  I answered

"Tzu, are you gay?"

"No! It's not like what you're thinking! I just want to spend my time with my friend"

"I'm not the only friend that you have"

"I know, but they keep on pushing me to entertain girls"

"Are your parents having a difficulty to earn money?"

"No, I just want to be independent like you"

He smiled and taught me on what should I do as a stock clerk then he looked at me worriedly.

"Are you sure you can do this?"


"You'll be surrounded by girls, can you handle that?"


"When they asked about the items we sell just assist them. If it's just about yourself, just smile and pretend you didn't hear anything",  he said and I nodded

"What if they keep---"

"Stay in the storage room or help me in the counter"

I saluted him and we quickly welcomed the customers when they started to enter the store. I tried to smile but ended giving a forced smile and Chae just give me a thumbs up telling that it's fine.

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