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Tzuyu's POV

We began preparing the ingredients but suddenly took a glanced at Sana who accidentally cutted her finger.

"O-Ouch~",  she whimpered in pain while Momo assisted her to clean the wound

"I told you to be careful!",  Momo scolded her

I decided to left without telling them why and accidentally heard their conversation.

"What hurts more? The wound in your hand or in your heart?",  Momo asked and they both chuckled

I searched for Seoyeon to ask something and headed back in the kitchen.

"Use this",  I said while putting the betadine, cotton balls and band aid on the table which made them stared at me

"I can cook by myself and if you wouldn't mind.. Please help her treat the wound",  Momo request ed and I nodded

"N-No need I can---"

Sana could no longer speak when I suddenly took her hand and start treating the wound on her finger.

"Done",  I said and realized that she's been staring at me which made me quickly stood up to proceed helping Momo

"T-Thank you",  Sana looked down but I just ignored her

"Where's my thank you too??",  Momo pouted

Chaeyoung's POV

We decided to go in Nayeon's room when Momo was done cooking and when everyone's finished doing their task.

Dahyun opened the door and our eyes widened when we caught the two kissing then Nayeon pushed Jeongyeon lightly to gazed at him.

"Jeongyeon~ Why are your lips were so soft?~",  she licked her own lips and chuckled softly which made us gaped at her in utter shock

"Do you want us to leave and continue what you were doing a while ago?",  Lisa interrupted and Jeongyeon stated at us blankly then went downstairs

"Yah~ where are you going?~",  Nayeon asked in a low voice but Jeongyeon ignored her

We entered her room and asked if she's getting better now but she keep mentioning Jeongyeon's name and asked where he is.

We were shocked when she force herself to stand up and immediately run downstairs which made us quickly followed her.

"HEY! BE CAREFUL!!",  Jihyo screamed worriedly but Nayeon didn't listened to her

She suddenly lost her balance and was about to fall but luckily Jeongyeon appeared and caught her on the arms.

"Why are you here?",  he asked

"I-I thought you already leave~~",  she answered and her eyes become teary

"Why did you let her moved?",  he asked in an annoyed tone and furrowed his brows

"She keeps finding you and we tried to stop her but she insisted to obey us because of you",  I explained

"Go back to your room",  he ordered Nayeon but she pushed him away



"You're just going to leave me when I came back in my room!",  she covered her face and cried out loud which made us raised our eyebrows while listening to their conversation

"I just did something and wanted to stay here in the living room",  Jeongyeon explained

"Then I'll also stay here with you"

"No, you need to go back in your room"

"I'll go back if you're coming upstairs and stay in my room"

"Fine, but no physical contact",  Jeongyeon said
and she immediately nodded

Nayeon opened her arms to Jeongyeon which made us confused and he gave her a piggyback. We headed bacl to her room and Jeongyeon helped her lay down on the bed.

She suddenly patted beside her and I guess Jeongyeon's the only one who understands what she meant when he sat next to her.

We want to talk about what really happened during her date but Jeongyeon stopped us due to he wants to give Nayeon a rest and just talked about it next time when she gets better.

A few minutes later, Nayeon suddenly sat in Jeongyeon's lap which made faced each other and embraced herself to him.

"Yah! I told you no physical contact!",  he whined and was about push her but Nayeon murmured

"Please~",  as she sniffed his neck

"No",  he opposed but end up doing nothing when Nayeon gave her signal who was about to cry again

We teased them and Nayeon didn't bother to mind us. Jeongyeon, on the other hand, trying jis best to act cool in front of us like it's nothing.

We laughed while watching the interaction between each other 'cause it's our first time to see them being like this and Nayeon quickly fell asleep comfortably on his chest.

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