42 Marriage Partner

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Nayeon's POV

"Where are we going?", I asked and looked at myself in front of the mirror

"Just make yourself presentable", Mom answered

"Being beautiful isn't enough for me to be presentable?", I flipped my hair

"Where did you get that confidence?", Mom laughed

"Shall we go?", Dad asked and we nodded

Two persons gestured their hands for us to approach them in the corner of the restaurant upon our arrival. Mom and Dad walked towards them which made me followed my parents from behind.

"Is she the one you were referring a week ago?", the guy gazed at me and Dad nodded

"She's Im Nayeon my oldest daughter", Dad pulled me gently in front of them

"Good afternoon", I smiled and bowed

"Have a sit first", the lady suggested

We sat on the opposite side of the table facing them and a waiter served us some drinks. I took a sip of grapefruitade and listened to their conversation.

"Does she already know about meeting her first meeting marriage partner today?", the guy asked which made choked all of a sudden

"W-WHAT?", I glanced at Dad

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier 'cause I know I'll be unable to force you coming with us", Dad chuckled and scratched his nape

"DAD!!", I stood up and was about to leave but I accidentally bumped into someone


I quickly looked up at the person to make sure if the voice I heard was really from him which made us startled.

"Perfect timing! Ms. Nayeon, he's Yoo Jeongyeon my son. Your first meeting marriage partner even though you're not his first, hahaha", the guy wrapped his arm around Jeongyeon shoulders

"What??!", I stared at him

"Oh, nice to meet you", he smiled at me and approached my parents

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Im, pleased to meet you", he bowed and offered a handshake

My Dad gladly accepted it and Mom just hugged him.

"Shall we start?", Mr. Yoo interrupted and my parents agreed

"Did you know about this?", I whispered into his ear

"I knew about meeting my marriage partner today but didn't know that it would be you", he whispered back

"And what are you doing here? I thought your dad gave you a task??!"

"This was my task to meet my marriage partner"

"Why did you lie to me?! You should've told me about meeting your partner instead of doing a task that your dad gave you!", I held his ear and it

"I-I didn't want to tell you 'cause I d-don't want to disappoint y-you, i-it hurts!! Let go of my ear!"

Mrs. Yoo suddenly asked us which me let go from twisting his ear and regained my composure.

"Did you two already know each other?"

"Yes mom, she's also studying in JYP University and we're classmates", Jeongyeon answered while covering his ear

"Then you won't have a hard time getting to know each other", my Dad interrupted

"We'll talk about the deal when it already happened", Mr. Yoo smiled

"What deal?", I asked confusedly

"They're going to invest in our company if you two end up liking each other", my Mom answered

"Is that okay with you?", my Dad asked which made me took a glanced at Jeongyeon

"What about you son?", Mr. Yoo asked

"Well, it's not a bad idea to give it a shot. Right?", he shrugged his shoulders and stared at me

I didn't have the time to answer when the foods we ordered already serve. We start eating and they continue talking about each other's company.

Jeongyeon suddenly interfered their conversation when we finish eating.

"I would like to ask for your permission if it's okay for us to go ahead?", he asked

"Where are you going?", my Mom asked

"To be honest, your daughter and I had a plan to meet each other in the mall today but we suddenly postponed it due to this meeting", he answered

"Oh, now I understand why Nayeon was in a bad mood last night and begged me if we could go without her", my Dad laughed which made me glared at him

"I want to grab the chance of continuing our plan 'cause you're all talking about businesses"

"Sure, you may go now", my Mom smiled

Jeongyeon stood up and offered his hand to me ehich made me stared at him.

"Shall we?", he smiled and I reached his hand

"Take care of my daughter!", Dad shouted

I was about to glared at him but Jeongyeon suddenly pulled me and started to run outside the restaurant.

"I will Sir", I heard him murmured which made blushed

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