29 Let's Date

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Chaeyoung's POV

Tzuyu told me about what happened when he met his family and saw Sana breaking up with Mark. He didn't want to end their relationship but keep cheating on her which made Tzuyu interfered and end up fighting each other.

"Do you like her?", I asked but he didn't answer

"Tzuyu, why do you have bruises again?!", Nayeon walked towards us and glared at Jeongyeon who just arrived in our classroom

"What??!", he stared at Nayeon confusedly

"What else did you do again?!!", she start hitting him on the shoulders

"W-What the hell! I didn't even do anything!!", he answered and tried to block every hits from her

"He had nothing to do with this", Tzuyu interrupted which made her stop from hitting him

"I told you! Tsk Tsk", he muttered and sat on his seat

"Yah~ I'm sorry!", she immediately approached him but he pretended not hearing her

"I-I'm sorry~", Nayeon pouted and succeeded when Jeongyeon patted her on the head

"Stop saying sorry, be grateful 'cause I couldn't resist your charm", he chuckled and Nayeon suddenly blushed

"Are you two already dating?", Momo interfered the 2yeon moment which made them distanced themselves from each other

"N-No, we aren't!", Nayeon opposed

"My 2yeon is rising!!", Jihyo giggled

"Congratulations in advance! Hahaha", Mina hugged her but the two remained silent and took a glanced at each other which made them quickly looked away

"How about you? When are you going to date anyone?", Momo asked and stared at Mina

"Never, hahaha"

Tzuyu and I decided to go in the cafeteria. A girl approached us when we were about to headed back in our classroom and asked if I could give her a privacy with Tzuyu.

I looked at him and he nodded which leave no choice but to go back in our classroom alone then I met Sana on the hallway.

"Tzuyu was with you earlier, right?, she asked and I nodded

"When you turn right, you'll see him there", I told her and she looked behind me

"Thank you", she smiled and left which made me suddenly curious and followed her

I stop when she suddenly stop from walking and followed her stare at Tzuyu who was kissing the girl a while ago which made him noticed our presence.

He walked towards me and Sana run away.

"Why are you kissing that girl?", I asked

"We're not kissing even though I almost kiss her but I've suddenly come back to my senses when I saw the two of you", he explained

"Did the girl confessed her feelings for you?"

"Yeah, why are you with Sana?"

"Oh, I almost forgot about Sana. She was looking for you and I told her where you are but you just saw her run away when she's about to cry", I shrugged my shoulders

He run away right after hearing what I've said. I think he's going to approach her. Good luck Tzu, you can do it my friend.

Tzuyu's POV

The girl suddenly hold me on the arms and insisted to let go which triggered the other me. I almost kiss her but I noticed a girl behind her who's staring at us and come back to my senses.

"Oh, I almost forgot about Sana. She was looking for you and I told her where you are but you just saw her run away when she's about to cry", I shrugged my shoulders

I run away to find her right after hearing what Chae have told me. I look around in the library hoping she was here and heard a cry in the corner where only few students were there.

She was sitting on the floor while crying on her knees. I sat next to her which made her feel my presence and turned around to not face me.

"Chae told me you were looking for me, why?", I asked and she didn't answer

"Why are you looking for me?", I asked again

"I-I w-would like to thank y-you about the o-other day", she answered while I'm facing her back

"Then why are you crying?"

"D-Did I do s-something wrong to you?"


"T-Then why y-you hated---"

"I never hated you", I whispered through her ears and cutted her off

"W-What are you doing?!", she suddenly pushed me away when I was about to hug her

"Listen first", I paused and took a deep sighed

"I want you to avoid me because the next time it happens I don't know what else I can do to you and it's not because I hated you. I just don't want to hurt you but end up saying harsh words as an excuse", I explained but she remained quiet

"Let's date", it suddenly came out of my mouth and she stared at me confusedly


"W-What?", as I feel my heart beats crazily

"What's up with you? You already hurt my feelings and now you're asking me for a date?! Are you making fun of me??!!", she screamed slightly

"I promise, I will make it up to you", I said sincerely

"No, can you leave now?!!"

I immediately stood up and handed her my handkerchief .

"Just meet me tomorrow"

"LEAVE!!", she suddenly throw her shoes to me but I was able to dodge it

"I'll send you the details later and I'll be waiting for the whole day whether you'll be there or not", I said and finally left

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