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Mina's POV

I wake up early in the morning without Chae on the bed and didn't even tell me to where did he go.

I fixed my things and put it back on my suitcase. I looked around and my tears started to fall down.

"Chae, I-I'm sorry"

"Please, I hope you'll t-try to understand about why I changed my mind"

"I'm going to miss your condo unit"

"I'm going to miss you"

"Your cooks"

"Your hugs"

"Your kisses"

"Your I love you's"

"When you hold my hand to tell that everything's going to be okay"

"When you're always beside me to tell that I'm not alone"

"You've been fired from your job"

"And you've been forced to leave your condo"

"On the other hand, our friends were also involved because of my foolish decision"

"You've been threatened all this time but you chose to keep it from me"

"I love you"

"I love you but I couldn't stay silent for everyone anymore"

"I love you that's why I'm going back to my parents for your own and our friend's sake"

I wiped my own tears and sent a message that I wanted to meet him.

To: baby beasts
Where are you? Let's meet 'cause I've
something important to tell you.

From: baby beasts
Why? I'm here, in our school. What
are you going to tell me?

To: baby beasts
I can't just tell you through a message, meet
me in the café near our school. I'll be there
in a few minutes.

I immediately went to the café when I finish fixing my personal belongings and taking a bath.

At the café

What did he do at our school? We doesn't even have a class today 'cause it's saturday. Don't tell me---

"Are you alone?"

Someone suddenly joined me on the table which made me stop from thinking and stared at the person in front of me.

"I ain't",  I answered

"Then where are they?",  he asked

"He'll arrive here at any minute and would you mind to move on the next table?",  I raised my left eyebrow

"Don't you want to have a chitchat with me?",  he giggled

"I'm not in the mood so please?"

"That's why I decided to join you on the table 'cause I notice your sad aura. Spill the tea",  he shrugged his shoulders but I ignored him

"Base on a research, it's easier for everyone to tell about their problems on a stranger",  he continued and I sighed in defeat

I told him that I'm going to end up the relationship I've with my boyfriend because of what my father has done to him and to my friends. I also told that I'm going to Japan today after breaking up with him.

Our conversation were interrupted when Chae caught my attention who just arrive and entered the café. He immediately approached me when he found my table and the guy patted me on the shoulder.

"Good luck",  he smiled and finally left

"Who was that?",  Chae asked and stared at the guy

"A stranger",  I answered

"Why do you want to meet me?",  he asked and sat on the chair where the guy sit

"L-Let's b-break-up",  my heartbeat starts racing like it's going to explode which made stuttered

"Why? Don't you love me anymore?",  he stared at me confusedly

"I-I still love you",  I looked down

"Did you find a new one?"

"You'll always b-be the only o-one for me"

"Then why are you suddenly breaking up with me? Would you tell me why?"

"I don't w-want to b-b a burden a-anymore"

"But you aren't a burden"

"Yes, I-I am"

"No, what made you think you're a burden?",  he asked and his phone suddenly rang which made him answered the call


"We should meet then",  he hang up his phone and took a glanced at me

"Lets talk about this when I get home 'cause I need to do something important",  he hide his phone on the pocket

"I'-I'm sorry"

He hugged me tightly and pressed his lips on mine. He was about to move away but I pulled him to deepen the kiss.

"Please, wait for me in the condo and I promise to be there in an hour. I love you",  he kissed me on the forehead

"I love you",  I smiled at him and he ran outside

I can't take my eyes off of him as he took a cab and waved his hands at me before riding on the car.

I called Momo to pick me up in Chae's condo unit before heading back there to get my suitcase.

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