48 SaTzu's Family

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Tzuyu's POV

"I-I have a split personality disorder"

She looked at me confusedly and I started to tell her about my condition.

"That's why you wanted me to avoid you?",  she asked and I nodded

"Do you still want me to avoid you?"

No, 'cause I always want to be with you.

"So are we going to pretend like we didn't know each other from now on?"

No, 'cause it won't help me lose my feelings for you.

"I-I guess you're right a-afterall, this is where our s-story ends"

I could feel the sadness in her voice while letting go from the hug and slowly walk away.


This isn't what I wanted to tell you when I asked you to go on a date with me.

I want to take the risk of loving you.


This is not where it ends.

I immediately run towards her and wrap my arms around her waist while facing her back.

"We haven't even started yet. I'm going to take the risk of loving you instead of pushing you away from me. I'll try my best not to hurt you or do something wrong when my disorder triggers. We were just about to create our own story and I'm hoping for the last page that SaTzu will end up being together. Sana, I love you"

"A-Aren't you f-forcing yourself?",  she turned around and tears started to fall from her eyes

"I am",  I joked and she pouted

"I ain't forcing myself 'cause I'm serious about my feelings for you",  I wiped her tears and smiled at her

"Are you boys ready?",  Mom stared at us and we nodded

"Let's go",  Dad took out the key car from his pocket

Jeonghan ranged the bell when we arrive in our destination. The gate opened by their maids and welcomed us.

"Merry Christmas!", a guy in the living room approached us when we enter the house

"Thank you for accepting our invitation even if we're the one who came in your house. I'm Tzuyu's father",  Dad offered a handshake and the guy gladly accepted it

"No worries 'cause this is what your son requested to me",  he shrugged his shoulders

"And this is my wife",  Dad introduced Mom and the guy also introduced his wife

"Which one of you is Tzuyu?",  he took a glanced at my brothers including me and I was about to raise my hand but Sana interfered

"Chewy! I miss you~",  she run downstairs and hugged me

I just smiled at her 'cause I don't know if it's a good idea to hug her back or to say that I missed her too in front of our family who's eyes were already on us.

"Mommy, Daddy, this is Tzuyu my boyfriend",  she pulled me in front of her parents and I bowed to them

"And this is Sana my girlfriend",  I introduced her back to my family

"Woah! You're the girl my brother protected from the guy who was hurting you!",  Jeonghan said with crossed arms and received a hit from Junhui

"Idiot, past is past. By the way I'm Junhui and this is Jeonghan my twin brother",  he offered a handshake and Sana accepted it

"Let's have our dinner",  Mrs. Minatozaki suggested and we agreed

We headed to the dining room and Sana sit next to me which made me stared at her.

"What are you doing?",  I whispered

"Sitting next to you?",  she smiled at me

"I know but don't you want to sit beside your parents? I mean---"

"Daddy, it's okay to sit next to my boyfriend. Right?",  she cutted me off and Mr. Minatozaki nodded

We started to eat as they began to asked about how we met and end up together. They listened carefully to our story, is it because Sana was their only daughter? Or because it's the first time I introduced a girl to my family which was my girlfriend?

"So when is the wedding my son-in-law?",  Mr. Minatozaki asked which made me choked from drinking the juice

"Yah!~",  Sana took a glanced at him and rubbed my back

"I like you Tzuyu, you're the only guy who invited us to formally introduced yourself as my daughter's boyfriend with our family",  Mr. Minatozaki shook his head

"I also like your daughter 'cause she was the first girlfriend my son ever had and introduced to us",  my dad chuckled and they made a high five at each other

"Tzuyu! Let me be your best man",  Jeonghan interrupted

"No, it should be me",  Junhui opposed

"No, it should be me! 'Cause it will be my first and last time to be a best man! I don't want to be your best man who's bride was too ugly",  Jeonghan stuck-out his tongue and received a hit from Junhui

"Idiot, I prefer not to marry her and let's stay as girlfriend/boyfriend if you're going to be the best man in our wedding. Yuck!",  he furrowed his brows and they began quarreling

Sana laughed at their silliness and I took the chance to hold her hand secretly which made her stop and stared at me.

I smiled at her and our dads helped each other to prepare the alcohol drinks.

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