59 Japan

703 36 1

Momo's POV

I heard my phone rang which made me looked at the screen and saw Mina's name on it.

"Hello?",  I said on the other line

"Are you busy?",  Mina asked

"I'm actually with Sana, why?"

"Can you pick me up?"


"In Chae's condo"

"And why?"

"I'm going to leave"

"WHAT??!",  I screamed which made Sana came out of the restroom with a napkin on his jogger pants

"I'm going back to my parents, please pick me up. I'll send you the address right away",  she ended the call

"What happened?!!",  she ran towards me and hold me on the shoulders

"You just pooped a minute ago!",  I removed her hands on me

"Then why did you screamed?!! I thought you've been eaten by the jokbal",  she took a deep sighed and I stared at her

"Why are you staring at me like that?",  she asked

"I'm going in Chae's condo to pick up Mina",  I answered


"I don't know what should I tell you 'cause she didn't even explained anything to me. I'll go now, are you coming with me?",  I asked and she nodded

We quickly ride on my car and her phone suddenly rang which made us stared at each other.

"Yah, I forgot to ask Tzuyu's permission that we're going to meet Mina",  she giggled and answered the call

"Sanake! Where are you?",  I heard Tzuyu's voice

"I'm with Momo",  she answered

"Where are you going?"

"To Mina"

"You aren't lying to me right now just to escape and go with Momo in a club?"

"Yah~ you should blame Momo for testing my temptation~",  she bit the tips of her fingers playfully

"What?? Why me? I only tried to test your obedience with your parents order",  I rolled my eyes at her

"And yet went to the club when she fell into the trap",  Tzuyu said in an annoyed tone

"My friend, I have a good suggestion for your own sake. You should end up your relationship with Tzuyu",  I patted her on the shoulder

"Also Dahyun should break up with you and didn't let your relationship lasts for more than four years when you'd a pig's mind",  Tzuyu muttered

"You know what? Let's go Sana!",  I told my driver to start the engine and drive away

"Are you going to be safe Sanake without me?",  Tzuyu asked

"Don't worry, it's not like I'm going to steal your girlfriend",  I smirked

"Make sure of her safety even if it costs to sacrifice yourself"

"You aren't going to stop??!",  I muttered

"Don't worry, I'll be fine with Momo",  Sana interrupted

"Okay, keep me updated. I love you"

"I love you too~"

Mina walked towards our direction with her suitcase upon our arrival in the lobby of the condominium.

"What's going on?",  I asked

"Let's leave first and I'll tell you on the car"

Sana and I looked at each other and just nodded to her. The driver started to drive heading to the airport and we listened carefully to Mina's story.

We waited for her parents to arrive in the airport and continued our conversation.

"Are you sure about this?",  I asked and her eyes started to become teary

"Don't make her cry!",  Sana hit me on the arms

"I ain't doing anything to make her cry stupid",  I rolled my eyes at her

"You're the one who's stupid!",  she glared at me

"But not too stupid like you",  I shrugged my shoulders

"Haha, stop fighting with each other",  Mina interrupted and we took a glanced at her

"I-I don't know w-what's the right thing t-to do anymore",  she looked down and continued

"The idea of ending our relationship has never accross my mind 'cause I loved him so much but it just happened today"

"I couldn't pretend anymore that everything's okay around us"

"I hope he'll understand about changing my decision",  she started to sob and Sana hugged her

I took a step closer to rub her back and saw her parents who just arrive. Mrs. Myoui ran towards our direction and hugged her daughter.

"Mina",  she started to cry too

"M-Mom, I'm s-sorry",  Mina hugged her back

"Don't say sorry 'cause your father should be the one apologizing to you"

"I did it for you to learn from making decisions",  he was about to hug Mina but she quickly moved away from him

"We should go now",  Mrs. Myoui said and Mina nodded

"When are you going back?",  Sana asked

"She's still here and yet you're already asking her about when she'll be going back?",  I said with crossed arms

"I just want to know!",  she rolled her eyes at me

"Stop, are you really going to fight before I leave?",  Mina interrupted which made us suddenly laughed and made a group hug

"Momo, p-please follow me in J-Japan. I-I can't handle t-this on my o-own",  she whispered and pointed at her heart

I nodded and we waved goodbyes. They slowly walked away and finally left with her parents.

We headed back to the parking lot and opened our phone due to there's no signal inside the terminal.

We went to the hospital right away when we received a lot of missed calls and messages which made us panic.

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