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They told me that Chaeyoung went to South Korea to continue his study in JYP University when I didn't saw him for two weeks.

I immediately booked a flight to follow him and also enrolled to JYP University but failed to be his classmate.

It was still a good news for me 'cause I don't want to create a nuisance in our school when they knew about two royalties who were cousins  and studying there at the same time.

I guess there's really no secrets that will not be revealed anytime soon.

He caught me during his soon to be girlfriend suddenly enter the male restroom.


I took a glanced at the person who called me and saw Chaeyoung sitting on the toilet bowl.

"What are you doing here??!",  he asked confusedly


"Don't tell me---"

"Yes, I followed you",  as I scratched my nape and he took a deep sigh

"I knew it"


"Dont be sorry 'cause it's your choice to follow me and study here but would you mind to pretend like we didn't know each other?"

"Don't worry 'cause I already knew that you're going to ask about it if we'll met accidentally"

I was walking on the hallway and suddenly heard a girl's voice singing.

"Just imagining all of this
Just thinking about it
Almost makes my heart burst
Um- How good it feels?"

I try to follow the voice and stop in front of a practice room in our school. I open the door carefully to peek revealing a small girl.

"How it could be as sweet as candy?
How it's like flying in the sky?
I wanna know know know know
What is love?
What love feels like?
How it keeps you smiling all day?
How the whole world turns beautiful?
I wanna know know know know
What is love?
Will love come to me someday?"

My heart started to beat rapidly and brought a shiver down to my body when I listened to her voice. She was about to leave right after she ended the song and I immediately ran away.

The girl was one of Chaeyoung's friend which made me lucky when I found out and what I meant when I try to stalk her.

I grab the opportunity to ask for her number by my cousin and he gave it right away without asking anything.

I keep sending her messages but what she did was ignore all of it and time have passed by when she suddenly reply which made us continue to talk through text without telling who I am.

I went to the hospital when Lisa told me that my cousin was involved in a car accident even if I'm in the middle of revealing myself to Jihyo and headed straight in the administration area.

"How's Mr. Musuko Chae condition??",  I asked one of the nurses

"The doctors enter in the emergency room a few minutes ago",  the nurse answered and I headed to the emergency room

"I couldn't believe this is happening", ,I murmured and stared at the red emergency light above the frame door

"You should leave"

I took a glanced at the person revealing Lisa who's walking towards my direction.

"Why?",  I asked confusedly

"Our friends will arrive here at any minute and they might've seen you if you aren't going to leave right now"

I nodded and didn't actually leave which made me hide myself from afar 'cause I want to make sure of my cousin's safety.

At the café

I followed Jihyo secretly in the café and messaged her.

Then you should wait for me, hahaha

My Goddess
Wait for what? To see you?
As if you know where I am,
you doesn't even have the guts
to tell me your name

I thought you aren't on the
mood to type a message? Hahaha

My Goddess
You're just making fun of me

I ain't 🙂

I took courage and joined her on the table.

***end of flashback***

I took out my phone when it suddenly rang and saw Jihyo's name on the screen which made me smile like an idiot before answering her call.

"HU HU HU~ "

I distanced my phone from my ear a little because of her powerful voice.

"Are you crying?",  I asked on the other line

"Hu~ Hu~ W-Where are y-you?~ ",  she asked back


"M-My friends family d-decided to b-bring him back in the United Kingdom~ "


"I ain't ready for h-him to leave us!"

"Do you like him?"

"He's m-my friend!!"

"Chill my goddess, I'll be there in a minute"

"H-Hurry up 'cause the people were a-already l-looking at me"

I immediately hang up my phone and walked towards her direction.

Yes, I'm already here before she called because Auntie told me about their plan for Chaeyoung to go back in United Kingdom.

I covered her eyes from behind which made her suddenly scream and punch me on the tummy when she turned around.

"O-Ouch!~",  as I rubbed my tummy

"Yah!! Why did you do that?!",  she stared at me worriedly and I didn't answer

I opened my arms widely and she took a step closer to me. She pouted and buried her face on my chest. I let her cry it out until there's no more tears left.

A few minutes later, she bring me along with her to Chaeyoung's room but my phone keeps ringing so I let her go ahead.

It's Auntie, she informed me that they're already back here in the hospital which made me wait for them.

I asked if it's okay for them to pretend like they didn't know when we meet on the hallway and they agreed.

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