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Jihyo's POV

At the Twicelights

"Mina~ How's your date with Chae?~",  Sana asked and clinged into Mina's arm

"What did he tell you?",  I asked

"Did you also confessed?",  Momo smirked

"Let me guess, you didn't say anything?",  Nayeon tilted her

"How did you know?",  Mina took a glanced at her

"I just knew 'cause we've been bombarding you with questions but you didn't respond to any of it. You were silent since when you arrived here",  she shrugged her shoulders

"He brought me in the beach"

"We already know about it!",  we said in unison

"You already knew about it then why are you all still asking me?",  Mina raised her eyebrows

"We want to know what happened when you arrived in the beach. What did he do? What did he say? What did you say to him? Did you also confessed?",  I answered

"He complimented me that I was always beautiful. He gave me a bouquet of orchids and invited me to have a dance with him",  she did two finger-pointing

"Then?",  Nayeon stared at her

"He told that he'll be courting me",  she smiled

"What did you say to him?~", Sana bit the tip of her fingers playfully

"I wasn't able to say anthing",  she pouted which made us facepalmed

"What?!! Are you serious?!",  Momo screamed

"Because I couldn't believe it was happening right in front of me and it's my first time"

"Who's fault was that? It's your fault for rejecting all the date you almost had with your suitors",  Nayeon rolled her eyes at Mina

"Look who's talking",  Momo said with crossed arms

"As if you'd experience in dating",  I smirked

"Yah! I had!",  she slapped me on the arm

"When did it happened? And who's the unlucky guy?",  Momo also smirked

"Why am I suddenly become the subject here? We're talking about Mina, remember?!",  she glared at us

"Babe, you're here!",  Momo gestured her hand for Dahyun to sit beside her

"What are you girls talking about?",  Dahyun asked and hugged Momo

We didn't have the time to answer him when Jeongyeon, Lisa, and Tzuyu arrived at the same time.

"Any updates from your date with Chae?", Jeongyeon asked and sit beside Nayeon

"We're just talking about what happened to them last night",  Nayeon said

"Did you like his surprise?",  Lisa asked and Mina nodded

"Well, thanks to us",  Lisa chuckled

"Why?",  Mina stared at him

"We helped Chae on his plan to surprise you",  Dahyun smiled at her

"Because he was only planning to bring you in the beach when Dahyun told him that you liked to swim but Jeongyeon rented the whole resort so no one will interrupt your date and I let him borrowed my car",  Lisa explained

"At first he opposed but end up doing nothing when all the preparations were already done before he knew",  Tzuyu added

Chae caught our attention who just arrived and sit next to Mina.

"How are you?",  he asked

"I'm fine, thank you",  Lisa interfered

"I'm not asking you, Mina did you sleep well?",  he stared at Mina who nodded

"That's good 'cause I couldn't sleep last night. I keep thinking of you, haha",  he scratched his nape and Mina suddenly blushed hard

"Smooth!",  Momo smirked

"But I also keep thinking of you",  Tzuyu interrupted

"Yah~ don't ruin their moment~",  Sana pinched Tzuyu's cheek

"Aren't you going to respond on him?",  Momo stared at Mina and she was about say something but Chae cutted her off

"She doesn't need to respond whenever I do or say something, the important is that I can express my feelings for her"

"Smoother!",  I clapped my hands

"Sanaol",  Lisa murmured

"What's sanaol?",  I asked

"I don't know, I just heard it on a tv show from the Philippines", he shrugged his shoulders

"Bes, I've also watched that show!!",  Nayeon made a high five with Lisa

"Really?! The lodi who were interviewed was beautiful, right?",  he giggled

"Yeah, I don't know but I think I've met her before",  he added

"When will I meet my future boyfriend?", I pouted

"Don't you like Lisa?",  Momo laughed

"He's not my type"

"You're also not my type, don't be assuming",  he stuck-out his tounge and I rolled my eyes at him

"Let's eat our breakfast"

We all nodded and headed to the cafeteria

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