77 Back to School

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Tzuyu's POV

I heard someone called my name from behind when I enter the gate of our school which made me turn around and saw Lisa with Jeongyeon walking towards my direction.

"It's been awhile, how are you?",  Lisa asked

"I'm getting back from the start", as I shrugged my shoulders

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's already in the classroom",  I answered

"What about Dahyun?"

"I guess he's still on a trip going to different places just like before and I haven't been receive any updates from him since when he started to wander again"

He nodded and placed his hands on the pocket. We went to our classroom and immediately saw NaMoSaMiJih together who's waving theire hands at us when we enter.

Jeongyeon ignored all of them and headed straight to his seat. Lisa just smiled at them and followed Jeongyeon.

My snake girlfriend approached and hugged me.

"I miss you~",  she whispered

"I miss you too~ But is it okay with you if I'll be with Jeongyeon for a while?",  I hugged her back

She nodded and pecked me on the cheeks. I sit next to Jeongyeon and heard the speaker of our school was turned on.

"Mic test, Mic test"

All of us focused on the speaker and listened carefully.

"Goodmorning! We are here to announce the changes of Top 10 students who qualified as a Twice..

In 10th place RM
9th - Jeon Jungkook
8th - Yoo Jeongyeon
7th - Im Nayeon
6th - Kim Dahyun
5th - Chou Tzuyu
4th - Park Jihyo
3rd - Minatozaki Sana and Hirai Momo
2nd - Lalisa Manoban
1st - Myoui Mina

Congratulations and Have a nice day!"

Everyone started to whisper and Lisa cheered himself 'cause he became number two.

We took a glanced at RM who just arrive in our classroom and Lisa gestured his hand for him to sit with us which made him obey.

"RM! How's your relationship with Jihyo?",  Lisa asked

"We're good",  he smiled and gave us a thumbs up

"Woah! I should really find a girlfriend already, what about you Jeongyeon?",  Lisa giggled and I noticed Nayeon suddenly took a glanced at us

"Then let's find together",  Jeongyeon answered blankly who's looking at the window glass since when he sit

"Then---",  Lisa was cutted off when a man enter our room and started to talk

"Good morning class!",  he paused and looked at each one of us

"My name is Mr. Jin-Young Park for the people who didn't became my student from previous semesters. For the new students, please come forward and introduce yourselves",  he continued

RM immediately went to the front and start introducing himself.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am RM. My family owns a business but I won't tell anyone of you on what kind and name our business is 'cause I don't want to create a nuisance with my family"

He went back to his seat and a guy suddenly knock on our dooe. Mr. Park gestured his hand for him to come in.

He opened the door and entered the classroom. He bowed at us with a smile on his face.

"Hello everyone! My name is Jeon Jungkook from Class B, it's a pleasure to be included in Class A and in Twice. Hope we can all be friends!"

We stared at each other with meaningful stares including RM but he's only looking at Lisa like he knows why we've been staring at each other?

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