16 Drunk Sana

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Jihyo's POV

We start exploring the Island early in the morning and now we are going to try the tandem paragliding.

We made a pairing because only two people can fly at the same time under one tandem-sized wing and my 2yeon start quarreling again due to they don't want to be partners with each other

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We made a pairing because only two people can fly at the same time under one tandem-sized wing and my 2yeon start quarreling again due to they don't want to be partners with each other.

"Don't you dare take advantage of me when you get scared!!",  Nayeon rolled her eyes at Jeongyeon

"You might be the who'll take advantage of me!",  he chuckled and covered his body

She didn't say anymore when they're already next in the line. We watched him making fun of Nayeon and surprise her which startled my friend.

"WHAT THE!!!!"

"Where's your courage? I thought you're a boy? Hahaha!",  he laughed out loud but Nayeon just looked at him fiercely

"Wow, you're a good actress",  he smiled and a few minutes later they flew off

We're next to them and my partner is Lisa, on the other hand, Chae and Mina are last in the line.

"Hey, don't be shy when you get scared. I'm giving you my permission to hug me. Hahaha",  Lisa whispered and elbowed me lightly

"Don't get your hopes high",  I smirked

We went to the club when the nightfall has come  and heard a loud music inside.

"The real fun was just about go begin!",  Lisa and Jeongyeon grinned

"Dubu don't you dare dance with the other girls",  Momo glared at him and Dahyun nodded

"Disadvantage of having a girlfriend",  Jeongyeon giggled

The food we ordered quickly arrived and started drinking alcohols when we finished eating.

"CHEERSSS!!",  we toast at the same time and start dancing on the dance floor as we followed the beat of the music except Chae and Tzuyu who just sitted the whole time

A few hoursater, I found Jeongyeon and Lisa who's already kissing a girl in the corner but Jeongyeon was interfered by Nayeon. She slapped him on the cheek and go back to our table trying hard not to laugh while the girl run away.

We decided to leave 'cause it's already past midnight while heading back to the hotel our positions were:

2yeon who's fighting again about why the water in the beach was salty



And Tzuyu behind us

I turned around when I realize that Sana's no longer beside me and gasped which made everyone follow my stare.

We saw Sana and Tzuyu sitting and kissing on the sand, he was about to pull her closer but Chae immediately run towards them to separate the two.

"Why did you interfered?!!",  Tzuyu stood up and glared at him

"What are you doing?",  he asked but Tzuyu suddenly punched him on the face which made us shocked

We were about to stop them but Chae signaled his hand and commanded the boys to bring the girls back to our room first so we quickly obeyed him but Jeongyeon and Lisa decided to stay.

3rd Person's POV

"Chae are you okay?!!",  Lisa panicked and checked his bestfriend

"It's nothing",  Chae answered and wiped the blood on his lips

Jeongyeon approached Tzuyu and questioned the latter why did he do it but also received a punch. He groaned in pain as the blood starts to drop from his nose.

Dahyun came back immediately and Chae told them that he'll be fighting Tzuyu alone.

"Are you serious??",  they asked in unison

"He's not in his usual self",  he answered calmly which made everyone glanced at him confusedly

No one opposed him anymore, and in the end, Tzuyu stared at them blankly after the fight.

"W-What h-happened??"

Jeongyeon furrowed his brows and went closer to him but Chae suddenly blocked him and offered a hand to help Tzuyu.

"We'll tell you later but for now let's go back in the hotel"

They agreed and start talkinh about Tzuyu's split personality disorder when they're done treating their own wounds.

"That's why you keep distancing with the girls?",   Dahyun asked and Tzuyu nodded

"You almost beat me because of what you did to Sana!",  Jeongyeon teased him

"I envy you, 'cause you'd the chance to kiss a girl who's not just someone but Minatozaki Sana the Snake",  Lisa whined

Before sleeping Tzuyu keep on apologizing but were told that it's fine because they understand his situation and will be careful next time. He smiled secretly being grateful for having friends like them.

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