14 Jeju Island

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Jeongyeon's POV

At the back of JYPU Building

We've been waiting for Nayeon who's already late for thirty minutes and a few more minutes later, we finally saw her coming out of her car and cheerfully run towards us.

"What took you so long?!", I asked in an annoyed tone

"I bought some snacks so we can eat something while we're on our way to Jeju", she answered and showed a plastic bag full of snacks

"I thought you were preparing for your swimsuit knowing that no one will be interested looking at your body", I chuckled and she threw the snacks at my face

We immediately boarded the helicopter and leave.

An hour later..

"Woah!!~", Nayeon peeped at the window

An idea suddenly popped out in my head which made me pushed her head making her kissed the window glass.

"HAHAHAHAHA! THE BIRDS MIGHT GET SCARED WHEN THEY SAW YOUR FACE, HAHAHA!", I laughed out loud and she hit me continuously

"S-Stop! It hurts!!", I whined and she stopped when we finally landed in Jeju Island and were mesmerized by the sea

"S-Stop! It hurts!!",  I whined and she stopped when we finally landed in Jeju Island and were mesmerized by the sea

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We decided to go in the hotel where we made a reservation after taking some pictures.

We arrived in the hotel, Dahyun walked towards our direction and showed two keys on his hand when he's done talking with the receptionist.

"Two keys??", I gazed at him in disbelief

"We're divided by two?", I asked and Dahyun nodded

"Then boys are separated to girls", Mina said

"What?! Oh come on Dahyun!!", Lisa thumped his foot

"You should've told us earlier!!", I whined

"I actually made a reservation for atleast five room but they were fully booked already", Dahyun explained

"Why? Do you want to take advantage of us??!", Nayeon glared at me

"Except with you", I stuck-out my tongue and she was about to hit me but Jihyo stopped her

"Enough! We can do nothing anymore, let's just put the luggage in our room first so we can changed into our swimwear and start having fun", Jihyo suggested and we agreed

"Hey! You should wear sleeping clothes! Okay? We don't want you to ruin everyone's vacation here", I shouted at Nayeon before entering our room and I heard her slammed the door

"Scary~", I giggled

"Chae!!", Lisa run towards Chae after changing into swimwear


"What's with that?!!", he asked and pointed Chae's clothes

"Swimwear?", he answered

"A t-shirt and shorts", I interrupted and laughed

"Why?", he asked blankly

"Don't wear the t-shirt, we should make the girls drooling for us!", Lisa shrugged his shoulders

"Do it without me"

"NO!", me and Lisa disagreed at the same time

Of course he ended obeying us and we headed to the beachside first then caught the attention of the girls.

"We are the F5", as I wear my sunglasses

"Yeah, the fuckboys", Tzuyu said seriously

"Just the two of them", Chae opposed

"You'll be, soon", Lisa and I smirked

A few minutes later, we saw the twice girls running excitedly towards our direction which made the other boys turned their heads.

"I told you to wear a sleeping clothes!! Looked at what you've done the people were leaving!", I tried covering Nayeon's body and she rolled her eyes at me

"I know you like what you're seeing so stop pretending", she smirked and I pretended like I'm going to vomit then immediately run away when I saw her planning to hit me again

"Let's gooo!!", we run cheerfully as we started to run in the beach

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