47 A Promise Ring

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Mina's POV

You didn't bother to call me or send a private message after telling you were busy in our group chat.

I hate you!

And I miss you.

Why can't you at least update me of what you've been doing?

"Merry Christmas!", Dad greeted and hugged us

Mom and I greeted and hugged him back.

"How are you doing?", Dad asked and started to slice the roast beef

"I've been good", I answered

"I heard you're not ranked number one anymore", he stared at me

"I ain't denying 'cause what you heard was actually true", I shrugged my shoulders

"What are you going to do about it? Is that okay with you?"

"I don't mind to be ranked number two 'cause I just realize that not in all cases I should always be number one and what's important was I'm satisfied with the outcome of my hardwork"

"I'm still doing my best"

"What about your dreams?"

"It never changed Dad, I'm still a celebrity on the making and I'll do my best to achieve my dream"

"My daughter is growing up!", he looked at me proudly and was about to cry

"Yah~ I'm still your little girl!", I pouted

"Oh, what do you prefer to have? A boyfriend or a baby brother?"

"WHAT??!", I gaped at him in utter shock

"You're a grown up now so you must have a boyfriend already", he tilted his head


"You may buy a boyfriend if you couldn't find one", he smirked and I was about to him on the shoulders but Mom interrupted

"Let's eat now"

I heard my phone ringing which wake me up early in the morning and answer the call without looking if who was it.

"Hello?", I said on the other line

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yes, may I know who called me?"

"It's your boyfriend", he answered and I took a glanced at the screen of my phone to check if it was really him

"Why did you call? If I'm not mistaken we're not in good terms", I said in an annoyed tone

"What? Why? We were good before I---"

"You didn't even send me an update last night! I waited until three o'clock in the morning and received nothing from you!", I muttered and rolled my eyes

"Oh, I'm sorry if you were disappointed when you didn't receive any updates from me. I already told you before that I'm going to be busy during holidays 'cause it's double pay", he explained

"Then go back to your work now!"

"Okay, bye~"

"I hate you!!"

"I love you~", he giggled which made me marupok

"I love you too~"

"By the way, can you meet me for a moment?"

"Sure, where are we going to meet?"

"I'm right here in front of your house"

"What??", I suddenly stood up from the bed

I peeked at the window and there I found him standing while talking on the phone. I noticed light snow had begun to fall which made me quickly went downstairs.

I ran towards his direction like a kid and hugged him.

"I miss you!", I murmured

"I miss you too and I'm really sorry about last night", he hugged me back and was about pull away but I tightened my hug to him

"Would you let go from hugging me for a minute?", he giggled and I pulled away

"Don't you love me anymore?", I pouted and he patted me on the head

"Of course I love you and will always do", he smiled at me and my heart just fluttered

"You really know how to make me soft!"

"Because you're my girlfriend, hahaha"

I him lightly on the shoulder and he suddenly showed his hand to me with a tiny box. I stared at him confusedly and asked.

"What's that?"

"My gift for you"

"But I don't have a gift for you", I looked down but he patted me again on the head

"You already give me your gift, don't you remember?", he asked which made me took a glanced at him 'cause I couldn't remember

"Did I?", I asked doubtfully and he nodded

"You were the gift that I've received for Christmas", he smiled and my heart feels like it's going to explode in any minute

"Why don't you look what's on the box?", he handed me his gift and I startled when I opened the box

"A ring??"


"Are you proposing?"

"I ain't and if I was shouldn't I be kneeling down right in front of you? Hahaha"

"Then what's this for?"

"My grandmother receive the ring when my grandfather proposed on her and pass it to me before she died but also made me promised to give the ring to the girl that I want to marry", he paused and continued

"I didn't court you just to be my girlfriend Mina, I've a dream of marrying you and wanting you to be my wife. I know it's too early for me to think of the future so.."

"Think of it as a promise ring. You'll be reminded of no matter what happens between us whether we end up to be together or we broke up.. You're my one and only option to choose"

He hugged me tightly and I smiled ear to ear because of the happiness I'm feeling right now.

"I love you", he whispered

"I love you too~", I embraced myself to him

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