71 Secret Admirer

716 39 5

Unknown Number
How are you doing?

I've been stress this past few weeks

Unknown Number
Hahaha, why? Did something happened?

My friend's still unconscious

Unknown Number
Are you worrying too much if he isn't
going to wake up anymore?

I'm scared, what if we lost him?

Unknown Number
Don't be scared 'cause he'll wake up soon.
You should trust him.
Is it the only reason why you're stressing out?

All of my friends just broke up
with their girlfriends/boyfriends.

Unknown Number

It's a very very long story

Unknown Number
You know I'm always here to listen

But I'm too lazy to type right now

Unknown Number
Then you should wait for me, hahaha

Wait for what? To see you?
As if you know where I am,
you doesn't even have the guts
to tell me your name

Unknown Number
I thought you aren't on the
mood to type a message? Hahaha

You're just making fun of me

Unknown Number
I ain't 🙂

Jihyo's POV

At the café

Unwinding with myself alone is much-needed for me even just for a while from the incidents. What's worst was I couldn't do anything for my friends safety and its been months since this unknown number keep messaging me.

Chae were involved in a car accident and still not waking since when he was rushed in the hospital.

Mina decided to end up her relationship with Chae and suddenly went to Japan who had no idea that her ex boyfriend's not doing well.

Momo cheated on Dahyun even if we aren't sure about her affair with Heechul but our softest tofu decided to let go of her.

I'm really going to make you bald when we meet!

My 2yeon, huhuhu! Why??! To all of my ships why did you follow their footsteps to be drowned??!

I chose to be single for all of you to be ship and yet end up drowning in a sea.

I took a deep sighed and a guy suddenly joined me on the table which made me stared at him.

"Are you alone?,  he asked

"Can't you see?",  I raised an eyebrow

"Hahaha, then let me join you",  he sat on the opposite side of the table

"Can you move to another table?",  I asked

"Why?",  he asked back

"I don't want to be with anyone today",  I answered


"That's it",  I stood up

"But I came here for you",  he also stood up

"Do I know you?",  I stared at him

"No, but I know you",  he smiled at me

"Huh? Sorry. I'll adjust for you and move to the next table",  I was about to take my latte macchiato and leave him

"Spill the tea about why your friends broke up with their loved ones",  he said which made me tilted my head and gaped at him in utter shock

"It's you??!"

"Me??",  he asked

"You're this unknown---"

"I haven't been able to formally introduced myself in front of you so let me",  he cutted me off and kneeled down which made me startle

"My name is RM"

"And you're Park Jihyo",  he reached for my hand and planted a kiss on it

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"And you're Park Jihyo",  he reached for my hand and planted a kiss on it

"It's a pleasure to finally have the chance to be with you",  he smiled and sit back on his seat

"I know it's weird for me to suddenly appeared in front of you 'cause I'm a mere stranger, hahaha. I couldn't stop myself to worry when I'm watching you from afar who's been taking deep sighs",  he continued


"Never mind, you don't seem to be fine. Tell me what's bothering you and I'm going to listen",  he smiled at me

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