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Jeongyeon's POV

The truth behind why I came earlier than expected is I escaped from my father's task.

I was actually on the verge of meeting my marriage partner today but I decided to run away and immediately visit the broken hearted bunny.

Good thing my dad is not angry with me and just called me to inform that my meeting partner failed to meet us due to she's sick.

Why everyone's getting unwell? And what happened on her date?

I arrived at the their house and ranged the doorbell so many time but no even dared to open the gate. Haven't they come here yet? Screw this! I'm going to climb on their walls.

The door was slightly open and when I entered inside revealing my friends like they've just witnessed something for the first time in their life.

"Are you Jeongyeon?",  a kid interfered

"And who are you?",  I nodded and asked

"She's Nayeon younger sister, Im Seoyeon",  Jihyo explained

"Oh, a new pet of mine. Now I already have two bunnies to take care of",  I kneeled down and laughed but Seoyeon suddenly grabbed my left ear

"What the---!!",  I was cutted off when she placed her left hand on my lips telling me to shut up and dragged me upstairs

I followed her while walking using my knees. Nayeon's younger sister? Hahaha, they looked alike. A baby bunny, while her? Oh, never mind.

We stopped in front of a door and I guess it's her sister's room 'cause there's a signboard written "Only pretty Nayeon can enter".

She slowly opened the door and there I saw the ugly bunny sleeping peacefully. Seoyeon sat next to her sister and I looked around the room to observe.

"Why did you hurt her?",  Seoyeon asked and glared at me

"What?",  I asked confusedly

"Why did you hurt her? I know it's you who made her cry",  she said which made me raised my eyebrows

"Me?",  I tilted my head and she nodded

"She keep mentioning your name, saying 'Jeongyeon I hate you!' "

I was about to say something but Nayeon suddenly wake up and saw us sitting next to her. I noticed her eyes were puffy, meaning she cried nonstop. Why are you wasting your tears to someone like him?

"Jeongyeon~", she called my name softly and suddenly hugged me

"H-Hey!",  I tried to push her away but she tightened the hug

"Jeongyeon~ I miss you!~",  she whispered through my ears which brought a shiver down to my body

"You stinks! Don't tell me you haven't taken a bath?",  I chuckled and she let go from the hug

"I haven't, can you help me take a bath?", she stated at me and pouted which shook the hell out of me and hit her on the head lightly


"Are you crazy? Do you want me to see your ugly body?",  I furrowed my brows and caught me off guard when her eyes become teary

What the fuck! Am I about to make her cry?? I came back to my senses when her younger sister hit me suddenly on the head.

"Don't you dare make her cry again!",  she shouted

"And how dare you hit your oppa?!",  I also hit her on the head

"Just help me bring her to the bathroom and I'll bathed her on my own"

"Fine, let's go",  I was about to stand up but Nayeon hold my hand which made me stopled and turned around to face her

"Give me a piggyback~",  she smiled innocently and raised her arms but I ignored her then she started crying

"What a cry baby, Okay! Okay! Don't cry!",  I kneeled down and grabbed her hand from behind my back to let her lean

I stood up and headed to the restroom then put her down carefully on the toilet bowl.

"I'll leave now",  I informed Seoyeon and she nodded but Nayeon suddenly hold me in the arms and begged

"Jeongyeon~ don't leave me~ stay here~", as she continued to cry again

"What?!!", I screamed in shock which made her cried out loud

"Just stay! Don't you want her to stop from crying anymore?!",  Seoyeon said in an annoyed tone and I facepalmed

"Okay fine, make sure to close the screen and I'll be on the door so you won't think that I'm taking advantage of your sister",  I leaned my face on the door while taking a deep sighs

I gave Nayeon a piggyback again when she finished taking a bath. She couldn't stand alone due to she's really sick. Seoyeon left us to check about the others who's downstairs.

"Jeongyeon~",  she called my name again which fluttered my heart everytime I heard her saying my name but tried to act cool in front of her

"What happened in your date?",  I asked and she looked down

"It's not a d-date",  her voice trembled

"Then tell me what happened that day?"

"I-It's true t-that I'm the one w-who's paying everytime we met",  she paused and continued

"I confessed that I like him but was rejected. I heard him on a phone call talking with someone saying that he'll never be interested to me and that he's just using me to gain more followers. He never declined my invites because it was always my treat",  she start to sobbed and I rubbed her back

"He also tole me that I turned him off when he heard rumours about me being violent to others and how come the boy I keep beating just let it slide? That I maybe beautiful but inside.. and left me in the mall"

I flicked her on the forehead and chuckled which made her stop from crying and stared at me blankly.

"Stupid. Don't take it to the the heart! And don't waste your tears for someone like him. Just chill, okay? Looked at me, I don't give a damn about shit and still handsome. Hahaha"

I was startled when she really looked at me straight in the eyes and suddenly leaned closer to kiss me.

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