60 Mina's Letter

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Chaeyoung's POV

Finally, I'm going to meet you today! I really want to know what's your hidden agenda against me and my relationship with Mina.

I saw a guy wearing a hoody upon my arrival in the secluded place where he gave me the address to meet him.

I walked towards his direction and bombarded him with questions.

"What do you want from me?"

"Why do you keep threatening me?"

"Were you behind everything what has happened to me and to my friends?"

"Answer me",  I ordered calmly

"I ain't the master mind of what has happened with your friends 'cause I was only following orders from my boss",  he answered

"Who ordered you?",  I asked again

"I can't tell you that",  he smirked

"How much did your boss paid you? I'll triple the price if you want just tell me everything you know"

"My loyalty goes to my boss only"

"I just wasted my time coming here",  I suddenly punched the wall because of frustration

I left without listening to what he was about to say and go back to my condo unit.

"Mina, I'm here",  I closed the door when I enter my condo and didn't heard any respond from her

I looked around but she's not here and noticed a paper on the vanity table. I took the paper and read what's written on it.

Baby, I don't even know where to begin! From the first time I heard your name replacing me from number one I become anxious. Words cannot even express how I felt that moment, hahaha.

I planned to be closed to you just to keep up with you. In the beginning, things didn't seem to go very well. You know what I mean, you keep ignoring me. I was actually hurt when you give all your attention to Rosé, or is it jealousy?

At first, I was confused. I didn't really know what I wanted and find out who you truly were first and what you were really like. Which made me fall for you, time has passed, and I have discovered new things about a new me. You have truly changed me.

It's hard for me to tell you how I feel 'cause I've never been through a relationship, also because I thought all the guys just wanted fun but you're an exception when you came into my life and totally turned it around.

You're my inspiration each and every day. You are what keeps me going when I just want to give up. You are my reason for living. I love the way that you love me. I love every kiss and every touch. I wouldn't know where to turn if I didn't have you.

Every time I see the beach, I think about that night. Actually, I think about it day and night all the time. It was my best birthday that I've celebrated.

I know you've been fired from your part-time job. The owner of the condominium forced you to leave 'cause I heard your conversations with him. I even knew that your life have been threatened because of our relationship but you chose to keep it from me, I understand why and I couldn't take it anymore to bring more burdens in your life and to our friends.

I am writing you this letter to tell you how much you mean to me, and to thank you for coming into my life. You are something I never thought could exist for me. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I don't regret telling you how I feel and choosing you over my family.

But I guess this is not the right time for us to be together, please bare with me if I changed my mind. I wanted things to get back the way it was, I'm still hoping the next time we'll meet again is we can finally be together wherein nothing's gonna stop us.

Thank you for everything. One last thing before I go in Japan. I wanted to tell you for the last time that I love you to the moon and back.

- 🐧

I ran outside my condo and took a cab.

"S-Sir! To the airport!",  I panicked and my eyes become teary


The driver obeyed and drove the car as fast as he could. I keep dialing Mina's number but it was out of coverage area which made me murmured.


"Mina please.."

"Answer my calls.."

"Please.. don't go, don't leave me.."

My tears started to fall down on my cheeks.

I-I don't know w-what to do a-anymore.



I decided to dial my mom's number and thankfully she quickly answered my call.


"M-Mom! P-Please help m-me.."

"What? Help---"

"P-Please s-she's leaving"

"I-I need to chased h-her in the a-airport before it's a-already too late!"


"Help m-me! I couldn't h-handle this a-anymore please..",  I started to sob and she tried to calm me down


I took a glanced at the driver and everything around became in slow motion.




I slowly opened my eyes and pushed the car door to open but it was stuck.

My head hurts so much and noticed a blood flowing down on my arms.

My body feels numb.

I tried to peek at the broken window glass and saw a guy staring at me


"You'll never see her again 'cause you're going to die. Look at yourself, hahaha"


My eyes suddenly blurred and totally went black.

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