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Lisa's POV

"Chaeyoung told us about his friends when we celebrate christmas",  Auntie interfered

"All of you must be hungry for staying here in the hospital, you should have your dinner first",  Seok-jin smiled and the men in black suits prepared the foods on the table

They were about to start eating but their phones suddenly rang which made them answer the calls at the same time.

"I'm in the hospital 'cause my friend was rushed who involved on a car accident and I ain't going home",  Nayeon rolled her at eyes

"Sana's with me so don't worry about her. We're safe and I'll stay here to guard my friend. Yes, you can fetch her at---",  Tzuyu was cutted off when Sana shook his arms telling that she also want to stay here with us

"I want to guard him so I'll stay here until when he wake up 'cause he's my friend whether you're going to let me stay with him or not",  Dahyun leaned against the wall

"We're fine and I'm with Nayeon so don't overthink like you were a girl",  Jihyo muttered

"No! I'll stay here with my friends! I already did what you wanted so this time I'll be the one who you're going to obey!",  they said in unison and immediately hang up their phones

"You may leave if your parents wants you to go home now",  Auntie interrupted but they remained silent

"You must be Tzuyu the yoda, Sana the snake, Dahyun the eagle, Momo the raccoon,
Nayeon the bunny, Jihyo the thomas",  Jimin pointed at each one of them

"What are you saying?",  I tilted my head

"It was poohtah's brief description about his friends",  Jimin giggled

"Just wait until when you wake up",  Nayeon whispered

"Where's Jeongyeon the ostrich and Mina the penguin?",  Jimin stared at them

"Jeongyeon was on the verge of bursting out in anger earlier when he tried to reach everyone of us and walked out, on the other hand, Mina just left today and went to Japan",  I answered

"Would you mind to tell us what really happened to him?",  Auntie asked

I nodded and started to tell Chae's family about what's going on around us when Mina's father want her daughter to break up with their son.

"I'm sorry if we're unable to stay beside him",  Jihyo looked down

"This is my fault",  I clenched my fists but Mrs. Son patted me on the shoulder

"No one's to be blame here"


"All of you were consistent to stay and support at each other's back whether you're together physically or not and that's what really matter. Mina chose him over her parents despite the fact of he isn't capable to give everything and changed her mind to make things go back to what it was before, that's too much, she already sacrifice a lot. Your friendship were unbreakable just like what we've when I met some of your relatives",  Auntie cutted me off and smiled

"You may all leave and have a rest",  Uncle interefered

"We'll stay",  we said in unison

"You aren't tired of guarding him?",  Jimin asked and we shook our heads

"Good evening, we need to began the blood transfusion",  the doctor informed us

We came out of the room and Chaeyoung's family stay inside the emergency room.

"I thought all of his family were already dead?",  Nayeon murmured and they stared at me

"You also called him Chaeyoung earlier",  Sana tilted her head

"Why do you keep calling him Chaeyoung? And why did you have to joke around at a serious time like this?",  Tzuyu furrowed his brows

"Why don't you try to search for his family background? Start with the names I've said earlier when I introduce his family",  I shrugged my shoulders and Momo started to type when she took out her phone

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