4 Chae & Tzuyu

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Momo's POV

"You may have your lunch break now", the teacher said and left

"Woah! Finally~", Sana began yawning and looked briefly at the window with a smile

We let our classmates to leave the classroom first and a few minutes later we decided to go in the cafeteria. Dahyun suddenly stopped which also made me to stop from walking and he hold me on the arms.

I looked at my friends who's already far from us and never felt our presence that we're no longer following them, real friends af.

To my surprise he pulled me into a vacant room. He immediately closed the door and pushed me against the wall. Wth is he doing??!!!!

"D-Dubu---",  I stuttered when he stepped closer which made me closed my eyes and heard him chuckled


"Did you not miss me?",  he whispered

I slowly opened my eyes and saw our faces inches apart. I could feel my face is turning red like a potato.

"You didn't really miss me", he pouted and was about to move away but I quickly twisted my arms around his nape while we're looking at each other in the eyes and pulled him which made us kissed

Chaeyoung's POV

"Let's eat!~ wooh!",  Lisa excitedly punching in the air

We were about to leave the classroom but I paused for a moment when I remember the person sitting in front of me.

"Want to join us?",  I asked and he turned around to face me

"I-Is it o-okay?", he asked worriedly

"The more the merrier", Lisa smiled


"Have you forgotten of what I told you before?",  I asked

"N-Never! B-but---"

"No more buts", I cutted him off and immediately dragged him to the cafeteria with Lisa who's following us from behind


Our school was invited to have a practice game against another school and they accepted the invitation. Upon arrival, we immediately went to their gymnasium. Our coaches reminded us to start warming up and the game has finally began.

I was assigned as a shooting guard in the basketball team. An hour later, the game ended already and our team won with only one point ahead.

I watched our opponent having fun except to the one who played as a power forward with a blank expression on his face in the opposite side of the bench while me and my teammates was resting.

I decided to go in the restroom when I was about to come out but I accidentally heard a girl confessing to a guy which made me peeped.

The guy stuttered and apologized for not being able to reciprocate the love that the girl have but thanked her for the bravery to confess. He was about to leave but the girl suddenly hugged him.

Next thing happened, he pushed the girl on the wall which made me saw the side of his face. He's the power forward earlier.

He was going to kiss the girl but I interfered.

"If I were you I wouldn't dare to do it", I shrugged my shoulders which made him stopped and glared at me then the girl run away

"And who the hell are you?!", he shouted but I ignored him and walked away

Someone suddenly grabbed me on the shoulder which made me turned around and it was him. That was fast, he's already on my back.

"Let go of me", I commanded calmly but he just laugh which triggered me

I brought my elbow up and pivot my opposite foot, rotated my hips and turned to him making contact with the back part of my elbow that hit his face.

He shouted in pain while covering his face, a few minutes later he stared at me blankly and asked.

"W-What h-happened?"

"Ask yourself"

"H-Huh? B-But I can't r-remember anything, would y-you mind telling m-me?"

"Are you kidding me?", I furrowed my brows 'cause I really don't know if he's just acting so I decided to leave but heard him

"P-Please?", he begged politely and the look on his face says it all that he doesn't know what really happened

I sighed and reminded him.

We apologized on each other then he explained to me that he has a split personality disorder. It awakens every time a girl will hold him for a long time and turns him into a bad boy. His parents knew and I'm the second one to know about it. He also told me that he couldn't make friends with anyone due to his shyness and being expressionless.

I stood in front of him and introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Musuko Chae. What's your name?"

"C-Chou Tzuyu"

"Nice to meet you, can you be my friend?", I asked and he was startled

"A-Are you s-sure?"

"Yes", I offered a handshake and he gladly accepted it

"Chae, where have you been? We're leaving now", we looked at the person who's approaching us and it's Lisa

I introduced them to each other and let Lisa go ahead first.

"You and I are now friends! If you need anything or want to hang out just call me. Okay?"

I gave my cellphone number and we waved goodbyes as I slowly walked away.

After that day, he never called or texted me. I guess he's really a shy person.

***end of flashback***

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