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Tzuyu's POV

I arrived in the the restaurant with Gucci and immediately found them waving to me. I ran towards their table and give each one of them a hug.

"My little Tzuyu! Gucci!",  Mom hugged us

"How are you two doing?",  Junhui asked

"We've been all busy, sorry if we just visited you now",  Dad apologized

"Tell us about what we've been missed during your stay here South Korea",  Jeonghan wrapped his arm around my shoulders

"Can we eat first?",  I chuckled and they took a glanced at me

"W-Why??",  I stared at them confusedly

"We're just happy to see you again",  Mom answered and hold my hand

"I miss you mom",  I pouted

"I miss you too bro",  Junhui patted me on the shoulder

"Me too, I miss you so much. Saranghaeyo~",  Jeonghan showed me a finger heart

The foods we ordered has been serve on our table so we started to eat but at the same time talked about what's going on around us.

I didn't realized they were listening carefully to my story when I looked at them and paused for a moment.

"Is there something wrong?",  I asked

"You've changed a lot",  Dad answered and smiled

"I'm grateful 'cause you've met friends for keeps here in Seoul",  Mom leaned her head on my shoulder

"Don't you have a girlfriend?",  Jeonghan interrupted

"None",  I shrugged my shoulders

"Or someone which could make your heart beats go insane when she's next to you?",  he added which made me think of Sana


"That's good bro if you don't have a girlfriend 'cause Junhui has a girlfriend who's ugly,  hahaha!",  I was cutted off when he suddenly made fun of Junhui

"I'd rather choose to have an ugly girlfriend than an ugly attitude like your girlfriend. Tsk",  Junhui muttered

We laughed and enjoyed our dinner together. I watched a couple from a distance who caught my attention when we came out of the restaurant.

It looks like they're having an argument?

The girl was about to walkout but the boy grabbed her hand. She tried to remove his hands when I noticed that she's being hurt by the way he holds her.

"You may go ahead",  I said without looking back at them and immediately run towards the couple

"I'm not breaking up with you!"

I grabbed Mark's arm which made him startle and ordered him to remove his hand from Sana.


"Would you mind to stop interfering with our problem?!",  Sana was cutted off by him

I ignored what he said and hold him firmly on the arm which made him let go of her.

"W-What the hell! It hurts!!!",  he flinched and suddenly punched me on the face which made me let go from holding him

"T-Tzuyu a-are---"

"Go",  I cutted her off


"Just go and leave us!",  I glared at her and she immediately left

"Why did you interfere?!!",  he walked closer to me

We punched each other aggressively and he kneeled down when he lost his balance which made me quickly grabbed by the shirt collar.

"How dare you play with her emotions?!",  I muttered

"This is for cheating on her!",  I punched him on the left cheek

"This is for shouting on her a while ago!!",  I punched him on the opposite side

"This id for hurting her on the arms!!",  I kicked his balls

"AND THIS IS!! THIS IS FOR NOT RESPECTING HER!! FOR.. FOR NOT TREATING HER AS YOUR OWN PRINCESS!!!!",  I screamed out of my lungs and punched him the best that I could which made him fainted

I sat on the ground while panting heavily and suddenly heard a cheer from behind which made me stared at my back and saw my family running towards me.

"Woah!",  Jeonghan gazed at me in astonishment and clapped

"Are you okay?",  Mom asked worriedly and I nodded

"Why are you all still here?",  I asked and wiped the blood on my lips

"We decided to follow you secretly and didn't bothered to stop you 'cause it's our first time to witness you fighting for a girl. I'm so proud of you Chou Tzuyu! Hahaha!",  Dad patted me on the shoulder

"Tzuyu won, you should give me the 500 dollars now!",  Junhui said with crossed arms

"I'm taking back of our deal",  Jeonghan run away when Junhui was about to chase him

We headed back to the hotel and stayed there until they leave tomorrow night.

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