22 Portrait

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Chaeyoung's POV

I decided to have my own art class and stayed in the art room alone. I prepared the materials needed for my painting and a familiar figure caught my attention in the garden which made me peeked behind the curtains.

I immediately took my pencil and sketch pad to start sketching the person I saw while secretly looking at the window. A few minutes later, the person suddenly disappeared from my sight so I decided to go in the restroom.

I came back in the art room and opened the door revealing Mina who's holding and staring at my sketch pad but it was close. I run towards her and took it away from her.

"What are you doing here?", I asked calmly

"Can't I be here?", she asked back and raised her eyebrows

"Did you touch my things?"

"Is that yours?", she pointed at my sketch pad

"Stop answering my questions with your questions", I put back my materials on the bag and immediately left the room

I took a deep sighed and hoped that she didn't touch my things without my permission.

Mina's POV

I told the girls that I'll go ahead in the art room but end up staying in the garden which was next to the art room.

I sat on the grass and sighed in relief because I'm the only one who's here and the air was so refreshing.

I looked around and stood up when I saw the roses near the bench. I picked one and smelled it like a perfume.

A few minutes later, I decided to go in the art room and noticed a sketch pad when I enter the room.

Maybe someone was in a hurry and have forgotten to put it back on their bag . I opened and was amazed by the drawings on the sketch pad.

I suddenly paused when I saw a familiar face was sketched which lead me to seconds of deep thought and immediately closed it when I heard the door opened but failed to put it back on the easel and couldn't removed my stare on it.

I felt the person entered the room and run towards me to take away the sketch pad from my hand which was Chae.

"What are you doing here?", he asked

"Can't I be here?"

"Did you touch my things?"

"Is that yours?", I pointed at the sketch pad

"Stop answering my questions with your questions", he put back his materials on the bag and immediately left the room

I watched him leaving the room and saw Jihyo entering with the others. She asked what were Chae doing here and I shrugged my shoulders telling that I have no idea either.

The art class has began but I keep staring at the window and just realized that the sketch I saw earlier

Was me?
But why?

What's up with him for sketching me? Does it mean anything to him? To me? It's my first to see myself being sketch by someone 'cause I never dared accepting any gifts from my suitors.

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