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Chaeyoung's POV

I told Lisa to come in my condo to help me on making plans for Taehyung even if I haven't told him about V and that he's with me.

An hour later, I heard a doorbell in my unit. I immediately opened the door revealing familiar faces which made furrowed my brows.

"Surprise!!", they said in unison

"What are they doing here??", I asked and stared at Lisa

"Aren't you happy to see us?? ", Dahyun asked back

"Why don't you try to smile even just for once? Looked at Tzuyu he's adopting already", Jeongyeon shrugged his shoulders

"Did we disturbed you? We're just going to leave, sorry Chae", I saw Tzuyu looked down again

Why is it always my fault??

"It's not like that Tzu---",  Lisa cutted me off

"We actually already planned to go on a trip today but instead of cancelling it I bring them along and they agreed. Hehe~",  he explained and I facepalmed then suddenly V appeared behind my back

"Is it Lisa?"

"Huh? That's V's voice!",  Lisa pushed the door to open it widely which made them saw each other

"V!!!",  he was about to hug him but paused when he noticed the bruises on V's body

"What happened to you?!"

"W-Who a-are they? D-Do you know t-them?",  V trembled so I rubbed his back to calm him down

"Don't worry, we can trust them",  I bragged even if I'm not sure

I let them come in and headed straight in the living room like they've been here before. They sat in the sofa and Tzuyu helped me prepare the foods that they had brought.

"Would you mind telling me what happened to you?",  Lisa asked worriedly and V remained silent

"Uhmm~",  I hummed and Dahyun noticed that I'm hesitating to tell

"Do you want us to leave so you can have your privacy?",  he asked


"You can tell us Chae, I am your friend. We're all friends here, you can trust us",  Tzuyu interrupted which leave me no choice when I felt his sincerity

I sighed and began telling them about V. I even played the recorded audio to prove that we're not making a story.

"How can we help?", Dahyun asked

"Are you sure you're going to help me? I-I don't want to cause anymore trouble with anyone", V stared at him

"I know we're not close enough for us to interfere with your problems but if you're Chae's friend then you're also our friend",  Jeongyeon said

"So what's the plan?",  Lisa asked

"V has to leave as soon as possible and he will go to United Kingdom",  I answered

"B-But how? I-I don't have my passport with me, I left it in my sling bag when I escape"

"Dahyun will take care of it", I shrugged my shoulders and Dahyun stared at me confusedly

"Your girlfriend is a daughter of the owner of an airline, she could handle V without having a passport"

"What about in UK? He still needs to show his passport though", Jeongyeon said

"No worries about it",  I assured

"Let's leave it to Chae, he will handle it", Lisa supported me

After planning, we immediately took an action but before leaving Jeongyeon suddenly asked me.

"Chae how come you owned a condo unit?"

"It's expensive", Dahyun added

"In your situation, it's difficult to pay regularly. Do you want us to help you paying for it?", Jeongyeon suggested

"About that---",  I cutted off Lisa

"I live here for free, the owner of this unit entrusted it to me because they're working abroad",  I explained as an excuse and they believed

Momo's POV

I was lying down on my bed when I heard a knock and the door opened then saw Dubu entering my room.

"Hi babe~",  he immediately lay down next to me and hugged me

"Why are you here? I thought you'll hang out today with your friends?",  I asked and hugged him back

"I just missed you",  he answered which made me furrowed my brows and glared at him

"Let me remind you slept here last night and you'll never go here just to tell that you've missed me",  I said and he laughed then looked away

"Tell me, you've done something wrong?!", I turned his chin to face me

"It's not like that---"

"WHAT DID YOU DO??!",  I cutted him off and moved away

"You're overthinking, I have done nothing wrong. Hahaha",  he answered and I stared at him

"Then what's your purpose in going here?"

"You know me, right?",  he asked and I nodded

"Uhmm.. C-Can I have a favor?"

"It's my first time hearing it from you~",  I teased him

"C-Come on..",  he said shyly

"Hahaha, you're so cute babe~ What is it?", as I pinched his cheeks

"M-My friend needs to leave but he doesn't have his passport with him.."

"Hmm?",  I hummed

"Could you help him?"

"He can issue a new passport"

"But he needs to leave as soon as possible and issuing a new passport will take a while"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Let him have an air transport through your airline.."

"What? He doesn't even have a passport"

"That's why I'm here asking you to help him.."

"Why does he need to leave immediately?", I asked curiously

"Family emergency..",  he answered and I glared at him 'cause my instincts was telling me that he's lying

"Tell me the truth or I will not help him"

He took a deep sighed and answered.

"His life was in danger"

"WHAT??! Did you already report it?!!"

"We didn't, because the police authorities were also involved"

"Okay, let me say that I'm going to help him but where is he heading?"

"United Kingdom"

"And he still need a passport to enter there"

"Don't worry about it"

"When does he want to leave?"

"Tonight, hehe~"

"What?!",  I turned away while having my deep thoughts

"You know that I don't like to ask favors but just this once for my friend. Please?",  he pouted

"Fine, let me take care of it"

He back hugged me and immediately dialed someone's number.

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