57 I'm Aware

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Mina's POV


Jeongyeon's father called to tell him about their company stocks were suddenly decreasing and needed his help to solve the problem.

You aren't behind this, right?

Sana and Tzuyu's next by going on a sudden vacation with her family without explaining everything why.

You'll never do such things to my friends, right?

Now, it's Nayeon and Jihyo's turn by keeping them away from us.

It might be someone else, right?

I sighed in relief when Momo, Dahyun, and Lisa didn't receive any bad news about their family businesses.

It's all just a coincidence, right?


"W-Why?",  I stared at Momo

"Are you okay? I noticed you've been quiet since when our friends left"

"I'm fine",  I forced a smile

"You aren't",  Chae interfered and suddenly intertwined his fingers to mine which made me stared at him

"Everything will be okay",  he smiled sweetly and I hugged him tightly

I heard the door opened which made me went there to check if who was it and revealed Chae in front of the door.

"You're early",  I hugged him

You're too early to go back home.

Did something happened?

'Cause you were always coming home late from your work.

I wake up in the middle of the night to go in the restroom and watch him sleeping peacefully when I came back.

I was about to cover him with the blanket but I noticed a brown envelope on his pocket which made me took it out.

I saw money inside of the envelope when I opened it. You'd receive your wages in advance? Did you just get fired from the convenience store? Or am I overthinking?

I heard the doorbell keep ringing on his unit but I ignored it and go back to sleep. A few minutes later, I turned around to hug him and realized Chae's no longer beside me.

I stood up and came out of the bedroom to find him. There, I saw him standing on the hallway in front of the door and talking with someone.

I listened to their conversation without letting him notice my presence and the guy finally left which made me suddenly ask him.

"Who was it?"

"Did you heard us?", he asked back instead of answering my question to him

"No",  I lied

He pulled me to the kitchen and cooked for our breakfast.

"I'm so lucky to be your girlfriend",  I pouted and watched him to cook


Because you aren't blaming me of what's going on with our friends, us, and you.

You didn't tell me anything about your part-time job and you still doesn't have the plan to tell me about what happened earlier.

Is it because you didn't want to added my problems?

I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled bitterly at him. I'm starting to hate you, Dad.

Time Check: 1:43 pm

Your phone keeps receiving notifications which made me open and read the messages. I was only planning to read what's going on with our group chat not until when..

"You better break up with her or you'll die?"

"Your own happiness or her safety?"

"You're running out of time to decide"

Why you never told me when someone's already threatening your life?

You're going too far, Dad.

I never borrowed money from anyone before and I really don't want to borrow money from you knowing your current situation but I couldn't think of anything else.

You handed me the money and I hugged you because I'm really shy right now.

At the bookstore

I notice that you've been looking around when we arrive here which made me also realized of someone's stalking us.

I tried to ignore it and hugged from behind.

"What are you looking at?",  I pretended

"Nothing, are you done?",  he asked

"I already paid for it, where do you want to ge next?",  as I pulled away from hugging him

"We could go anywhere as long as I am with you"

"Yah~ but I'm always with you!",  I giggled

I'll always be with you but I was wrong.

"Why don't we have our dinner in the fast food restaurant near here?",  he suggested and I nodded

We started to eat and talked about my thesis. You've been glancing at the glass wall of the restaurant which made me notice the guy with a face mask who took a picture of us.

You ran outside to catch him and immediately headed back to the restaurant. I stared at you confusedly to pretend I didn't know what going on.

"Sorry, I saw a familiar figure from afar and mistakenly thought it was someone I knew",  he scratched his nape and I just nodded

You're keeping everything from me.

Did you hired the guy, Dad?

Were you behind to all of this?

***end of flashback***

To: Dad
I'm going back home just give me a little time
to finally end up my relationship with him.

From: Dad
Really? All of a sudden?? What happened?
Although, it's good news 'cause we couldn't
stop worrying about you. Please do it as
soon as possible 'cause we'd a plan of going
back to Japan.

To: Dad
Stop acting like you really care

From: Dad
I ain't, why do I feel like you're mad at me?

To: Dad
Are you numb? Don't pretend like you aren't doing anything to my friends!

From: Dad
What are you trying to say?

To: Dad
I hate you! Don't you even dare lay your hands
on him and to my friends ever again or let your
men threaten them when I get home!

I turned off my phone and turned around to face Chae who's sleeping beside me.

"Please, don't be mad at me",  I murmured and buried my face on his chest which made him wake up but he hugged me tightly like it will be the last time

"I love you Chae ~",  I whispered

"I love you too",  he whispered back and kissed me on the head

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