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Sana's POV

I was left behind when I slipped while going back to our hotel and felt Tzuyu's presence who kneeled down in front of me.

"Are you okay?",  he asked but I couldn't answer when I gazed at his lips and ended kissing him

He was about to push me away but pulled me instead and our kiss were interfered when Chae separate us forcefully.

I couldn't think straight and didn't realize that we already arrived in our room.



I was startled when Nayeon unnie screamed and quivered me on the shoulders.


"We are asking why did you two kissed?",  she asked and crossed her arms

I told them what happened when I slip and they started teasing me.

"I knew you liked him when I caught you staring at him during our first day of class",  Jihyo giggled

"How about your suitor?",  Mina asked

"I'm not interested on him",  I answered

"Tzuyu was my ideal boyfriend",  Nayeon took a deep sighed

"Really? I thought it was Jeongyeon",  Mina joked and Nayeon glared at her

"My 2yeon is drowning! Huhuhu",  Jihyo faked a cry and Nayeon just rolled her eyes

"Can we sleep now?",  we took a glanced at Momo who's half asleep and laughed then proceeded sleeping

A few hours later..

I checked the clock and it's already five in the morning?! I messed up my hair in frustration 'cause I couldn't sleep due to the kiss that keeps appearing in my head.

I decided to go out of the hotel to watch the sunrise, while walking into the lobby we accidentally saw each other.

I want to apologize about last night for suddenly kissing him. I approached him but he acted like he didn't saw me which made me immediately hold onto his sweater.

He turned around to face me and removed my hand from holding him on his sweater.

"U-Uhm---",  I stuttered when he looked at me

"Would you mind to stop bothering me anymore?"

"But---",  I want to say something but he cutted me off

"Why do you keep bothering me?"

"You always make me feel awkward when I'm with you"

"I didn't like what you did last night"

"I hate you"

"I'm just wasting my time",  he took a deep sighed and walked away

I was startled and left frozen up in the lobby and didn't realized my tears were already falling down. I felt the wind blows coldly on my cheeks and ran back to the room.

I immediately lay down on the bed and hugged the pillow tightly. I tried hard not to sob because I didn't want to wake them up.

"But you kissed me back",  I murmured and fell asleep

Chaeyoung's POV

I caught Tzuyu leaving early in the morning and just about to ask where he was heading but I chose to sleep again.

The boys wake me up so we can have our breakfast together and headed to the restaurant. We started eating but I noticed Sana's not with us.

"Where's Sana?",  I asked

"She's still sleeping",  Mina answered and I just nodded

An hour later, we already boarded the helicopter 'cause we're going back in Seoul today.

I sat next to the window facing Sana who's eyes were puffy and didn't even talk to anyone with Jihyo beside her.

She cried earlier but her friends didn't know about it which cause them to bombarded her with questions and yet didn't mind to respond.

The helicopter flew off and I decided to open my phone to review the photos that I had in Jeju. I looked at the window smiling and remembered what happened in the tandem paragliding.


"Come here, they're going to help you secure with the harness",  I signaled my hand

"I'm not good with riding those things",  she murmured

"Don't be scared, I'm here",  I said but she remained silent

She began screaming when we flew off and I caught her eyes were closed.

"Don't waste the opportunity to see this beautiful scenery, just slowly open your eyes",  I whispered and she peeped

Mina gasped in astonishment and I was mesmerized when I watch her enjoying the view.

"I'd fun riding it with you, thank you",  she whispered though my ears when we landed safely and run towards her friends

***end of flashback***

***end of flashback***~~~~~~~~~~

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Photos Chae captured secretly

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Photos Chae captured secretly

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