74 Goodbye Chaeyoung

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Tzuyu's POV

"We've something important to tell all of you",   Auntie suddenly spoke which made us took a glanced at her

"We're going back to the United Kingdom",  she continued

"How about Chaeyoung?",  Lisa asked

"He's going with us",  Auntie answered

"What?!!",  Jihyo screamed

"Do you remember when we left for two days? We went to the police station to have any updates regarding his case. The investigator gave us his broken phone and confirmed it was an accident",  Auntie explained

"Auntie, do you really think it was an accident?",  Lisa stood up and came closer to her

"I don't want to assume unless otherwise stated and let Chaeyoung tell us everything about what really happened when he finally wakes up 'cause none of us can reveal the truth without proofs except himself"


"We aren't going to make any move unless Chaeyoung approves"

"When are you going to leave?",  I interrupted

"Today",  Uncle answered

"WHAT?!",  Jihyo gaped at him in utter shock

"Suddenly?",  Dahyun tilted his head

"We already had a second opinion with the doctors and Chaeyoung were diagnosed comatose that's why he isn't waking up at all which also made us decided to bring him back in United Kingdom",  Jin explained

"But do you really need to leave today?",  I asked

"Yes, 'cause it's been a month and we left a lot of important task in the palace. Don't worry about your friend 'cause we will take care of him and will surely be safe when he's with us. You're also welcome to visit him at any time",  Auntie smiled at us

"What time are you going to leave?",  Jihyo asked

"After lunch",  Auntie answered and Jihyo suddenly walked out of the room

"We're going to prepare Chaeyoung's personal belongings and documents so you'll also have some privacy to be with him until today",  as they leave the room

"Chae, don't you want to formally say goodbye with us?",  Dahyun talked to him which also made me do the same

"Don't you dare replaced us when you wake up! I'm still and will always be your friend",  I smiled and looked at him

"Call us immediately when you wake up and let's go on a vacation! I haven't been able to travel in some places 'cause I couldn't leave you here",  Dahyun took a deep sighed

"I'll visit you right after the sembreak comes",  Lisa sat on the corner of his bed

"Chae, do you miss Mina?",  Sana asked which made us took a glanced at her

"What?",  she stared at us and we shook our heads

"Same goes for me 'cause I already miss her too! I miss all of our friends being together. If you're going to wake up.. Will you try to search for us when we aren't with you? Or are you going to be mad because we let you go back in United Kingdom?",  she pouted

"He'll be mad at you 'cause you're too noisy"

Someone suddenly interrupted which made us took a glanced at the door revealing Jeongyeon with his hands on the pocket.

They ran towards him and hug him tightly 'cause it's been weeks since when he walked out and didn't came back to visit in the hospital.

"You're wrong 'cause I think he'll be mad at you instead of my girlfriend when you just visited him today",  I said and he took a step closer to Chae

"I'm sorry if I only visited you today. I couldn't accept what has happened to you that I wasn't able to do anything for you. Jihyo just called to tell me that you're going back to United Kingdom which made me rushed to come here. Don't worry about your penguin 'cause we'll take care of her rather I'm going to tease her nonstop so she won't be able to replaced you---"


Jeongyeon was cutted off when Nayeon suddenly slam the door and entered the room. She ran towards Chae and Jeongyeon immediately moved away to give her space.


I cough on purpose which made her stared at us with her tears still falling from her eyes.

"Here",  Jeongyeon handed a handkerchief and Nayeon just stared at his hand

He took her hand to give it and she end up using it for blowing her phlegm.

"S-Sorry I didn't noticed that you're all here"

The atmosphere suddenly become awkward due to Nayeon and Jeongyeon's staring contest. A few hours later, Jihyo came back with puffy eyes.


She hug Chae and his family also came back with an unfamiliar guy standing behind them.

"Who are you? You're not allowed to enter here",  I blocked his way but Jihyo interfered

"It's okay Tzu 'cause he's with me. Guys, Jin, Jimin, Auntie, and Uncle this is RM. RM they're my friends that I was talking about and this are Chae's family"

"It's an honour to meet all of you",  he bowed and smiled at us

"We've to go now",  Auntie informed

We nodd and follow them in the airport when the nurses were done discharging him.

We made a group hug with Chae and waved goodbyes as they slowly walking away from us.

"I'm going to visit him when everything's getting back to the way it is",  Dahyun murmured

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