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Nayeon's POV

At the mall

"What do you want to do?",  he asked but I didn't answered

"Hey, I'm asking you. Hello? Don't ignore me",  he scratched his nape but I remained silent and heard my phone received a message

I took it out and read the message from my dad.

From: Bugs Bunny
This is an important deal for our company,
I hope you'll understand why I did it without
asking you first. I'm really sorry for involving
you my Snowball.

I took a deep sighed which made Jeongyeon easily read my mood.

"Are you worried?",  he asked

"Or you're not in the mood?"

"Do you want to go home?"

"You could tell me right now if you don't want to continue our plan so I'll bring you back home---"

"It's my first time to have a meeting marriage partner",  I cutted him off and noticed his eyes were sad

"Don't you want to try?"

"Try what?"

"This, us, dating, or trying to know more of each other.."

"I don't know 'cause my dad just sent a message telling that the deal he had with your father was important for our company. What if we---"

He suddenly flicked me on the forehead and giggled.

"You look ugly when you're stressing out. Stop overthinking and don't worry about their deal. Just focus on me"

"Focus on you?",  I stared at him

"Yeah, be grateful 'cause you'd your first meeting marriage partner with me. I'm so tangina",  he winked at me and I chuckled

Didn't he tried to search the meaning of that word? Hahaha! I'm sorry but I'll let you know it on your own.

"Let's go?",  he asked and I nodded

We looked around the mall and just go with the flow of where we'll be heading. We made fun of each other, eat and drink with different fast food restaurants and cafés, we also watch a movie titled 'The Avengers'.

He brought me back home and assisted me to get out of the car. I was about to open our gate but he suddenly hold me on the arms and told to wait.

I watched him enter his car and he immediately came back to me. He took a step closer and handed me a tiny bottle.

"What's that?",  I asked

"It's my belated gift for your birthday",  he answered

"I thought you forgot about it",  I stared at him and pouted

"Why would I? I was actually planning to give my gift on your birthday during the celebration but our friends keep teasing and making fun of me which made me shy shy shy---"

He was cutted off when my dad suddenly appeared behind me and hid the gift behind his back.

"Jeongyeon! Thank you for bringing back my daughter safe and sound",  he patted him on the shoulder and Jeongyeon bowed

"Sir, it's my pleasure and I apologize for bringing her back home this late in the evening "

"It's fine, as long as you two enjoy accompanying each other. Hahaha",  Dad shrugged his shoulders

Jeongyeon smiled at him and took a step closer to me which look like he was hugging me but he just secretly gave me his gift.

"Good bye sir and good night",  he started the engine of his car and waved his hand before finally leaving

I glared at Dad and asked.

"Dad, are you closed with him?"

"We aren't",  he answered

"And you've got guts to talk with him like you've know each other for a long time?"

He tilted his head and was about to say something but I ignored him and headed straight in my bedroom to open his gift.

He tilted his head and was about to say something but I ignored him and headed straight in my bedroom to open his gift

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I tried to wear it and smiled when I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Thank you despite the fact of we're always fighting on little things, for keeping to annoy me even if you're not doing anything, for not fighting back even if you're always beaten by me.. You never leave me alone. I feel so comfortable whenever I'm with you which made my world connected with yours. I hope you'll always be like this forever"

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