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Mina's POV


"I'd fun riding it with you, thank you",  I whispered and run away when I suddenly felt my heart beating fast

I really enjoyed the ride in tandem paragliding with him even though it was my first time of  having the courage to open my eyes.

My friends usually force me but to him it was different. I don't know but I automatically followed when he told me to slowly open my eyes just to see the scenery.

I was so worried when Tzuyu suddenly punched him but still ordered the boys calmly to bring us back in our hotel room and ended doing nothing for him.

***end of flashback***

At the classroom

I looked around and noticed Sana's not here to attend the class, what's up with her lately? Everyone thought that maybe she got tired of having fun in Jeju but she didn't even dare to talk with anyone when we came back at Seoul.

"Where is our snake friend?",  I asked

"With her boyfriend",  Momo answered

"Again?",  I furrowed my brows and she nodded

"I thought he didn't like him",  Jihyo interrupted

"Did she tell anyone of you why she suddenly changed her mind dating him?",  I stared at each one of the girls and they just shrugged their shoulders

"Try guessing what I've witnessed when I caught them dating last sunday",  Nayeon smirked

"What?",  Momo asked

"I said guess!"

"Just tell us",  Jihyo

"They were hugging each other and the boy was about to kiss her on the lips but Sana quickly avoided it and guessed what?",  she paused and we waited for her to continue

"I said guessed what?"

"Stop playing around, just tell us now!",  Momo hit her on the head and Nayeon rolled her eyes

"Her boyfriend was forcing our snake which made me interfered their date"

"I don't like him",  Momo muttered

"Does he even like you?",  Nayeon tilted her head

Our conversation were interrupted which made us quickly change the topic when the boys invited us to have our lunch now.

I clinged to Chae's arm again and he stared at me.

"What are you doing?",  he asked

"We're going in the cafeteria to eat,",  I smiled

"I'm not going to eat with you",  he paused and continued talking

"You may go ahead in the cafeteria 'cause I need to do something in the library",  he tried to  remove my hands but I tightened clinging into his arm

"At least smile before you're leaving us",  I pouted

"Let go",  he said calmly but I insisted


He took a deep sighed and forced to smile.

"See you later",  as I pinched his cheeks

Half an hour later, I told them to go ahead in the classroom when we're done eating. I went back in the cafeteria and bought some foods then headed to the library but couldn't find Chae.

I looked around the school and there I saw him leaning against the tree. I walked towards his direction and he noticed my presence which made him took a glanced at me.

"Why are you here?",  he asked

"I thought you're in the library",  I said and sit next to him

"I can't focus there",  as he continue on what he was doing

"Sketching??",  I asked but he didn't answer

"Why are you here again?",  he asked back

"I brought you this",  I handed the food and he accepted it

"Is this free?"

I laughed and nodded.

A moment of silence surrounded us and I tried to break it while he continues to draw.

"You said you can't focus in the library, why?"

"My mom always bring me in a scenery which helped me calm and be motivated whenever I draw, I guessed I used to it"

"What happened to her?",  I asked and he paused

"I'm sorry",  I whispered

"You may leave now"

"I'll stay"

"No, leave"

I furrowed my brows and he suddenly laughed which made me gazed at him in surprise. I didn't know that he knows how to laugh because it was my first time seeing him laughing.

"Kidding, but you might get bored"

"It's fine, I won't"

An hour later, I felt a squeeze on my face and slowly open mybeyes. I quickly stood up when I realized his face was just inch away from me  which made him startled.

"Are you okay?"

"W-What happened?",  I asked and feel my heartbeats fast

"You fell asleep and I tried waking you up but I noticed you're sleeping comfortably on my lap so I didn't bother to wake you up anymore",  he explained and chuckled

I didn't asked anymore when he started to run away and reminded me that we've been there for about three hours.

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