37 Love Letter

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Mina's POV

I started to walk on the red carpet and smiled in front of everyone. I addressed my attention to my friends and didn't saw him with them.

Maybe he went somewhere around the house? Or maybe he's not yet here?

I simply looked around to find him while I'm still on the red carpet but failed which made me disappointed.

He really didn't attend my party.

Is that how much he hates to be with me?

My birthday party has finally ended and all of the guests left already including my friends.

I heard my rang when I came out of thw bathroom and looked at the screen of my phone.

"Chae?",  I whispered

He's calling me right now? Why? Did something happened to him? It's my first time to receive a call from him but is it really him? 'Cause he never dared to call me since when he'd my number.

Maybe his butt accidentally dialed my number?

"Why did you call?",  I asked

"I'm here",  he said on the other line


Did I just heard him right?

"I'm here in front of your house"

I immediately peeked at my window to see if he's just making fun of me.

"What?! What are you doing there?!"

"Asking you to go out with me"

Is it a date? Or I misinterpret of what he said?

"What? Are you serious??"

"Yes, are you still free?"

I panicked which made me accidentally hang up my phone. What should I do? He was waiting for me outside.

I'm still wearing a bathrobe which made me easily quick to wear a dress and put some make up.


I was about to open the door from my parents bedroom but the maid suddenly appeared behind me to inform that they're already sleeping.

I went downstairs and open the gate revealing Chae who's standing next to Lisa's car.


I wasn't able to say anything until he brought me back home safely.

I couldn't believe on what just happened today.

I sat on the edge of my bed and stare at the bouquet he gave me earlier. A piece of folded paper jam on it which caught my attention.

I didn't noticed the paper when he handed me the bouquet. I took it and opened revealing a portrait of myself in the garden of our school.

It was the portrait I saw on his sketch pad in the art room and there's a written letter at the back of it which made me read.

It was the portrait I saw on his sketch pad in the art room and there's a written letter at the back of it which made me read

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I wanted to write you a love letter. I know it’s a little silly but I thought I’d try anyway.

I remember the first time I saw you arrived in the entrance gate of our school. I couldn’t stop looking at you, your eyes, your smile – you stole my heart. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you.

Your image is always in my mind, I can always hear my heart whispering your name and I can always see your face when I close my eyes.

I know I can’t give you the world, but I can give you my heart, my love, and my affection. I’ll do everything I can to make you as happy as you can be by my side.

There are thousands of yesterday and there are billions of tomorrows but there is only one today and I will not let the day go by without showcasing my love for you.

From now on, let's start celebrating our birthday together with our friends.

I hope you liked my little surprise and enjoyed celebrating your day. Happy Birthday!

Mina, I love you.

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