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We were all still standing there, Nick was directly behind me while Buffy pulled Dawn behind her and Willow was kneeling beside Tara. Glory stared intensely at Nick causing me to growl protectively.

"Tori go." Buffy muttered grabbing onto Dawn's hand and took off, while I turned around grabbing onto Nick's and ran out of the room, jumping over the broken pieces of the door. Behind me I could hear Willow muttering in Latin and their footsteps going in another direction.

We ran human speed through the lobby of the building. It was full of students walking, sitting, standing, talking etc. I still had a death grip on Nick's hand. He kept up with me.

I heard people scream as Glory came crashing through the wall. Once we broke out of the building, I shoved Nick in front of me.

"Spring, se dig inte tillbaka, gå till Rendezvous." I yelled looking over my shoulder (Run, don't look back, get to the Rendezvous.)

"Vad sägs om de andra?" He asked. (what about the others?)

"Hon är efter oss inte dem." (She's after us not them)

"Men Dawn" He said looking over at me in worry. (but Dawn.)

"De möter oss där" I told him. (They'll meet us there)

We ran across the grass waiting to get far enough to use our vampire speed when Nick fell to the ground.

"Nicky, vi måste fortsätta." I told him pulling him up. (We have to keep going)

We made it across the lawn, and came out of the sidewalk.

Suddenly a super-fast blur shot in front of us making us screech to a stop. Glory. Nick and I shared a look masking our expressions, before our eyes turned to Glory in sync.

"I really hate it when people touch my things." Glory told us, Nick and I just stood there with a blank face. Showing no fear but on the inside I was shaking. "Last words, slay-runt?"

"Just one." I told her smirking. "Truck."

Glory looked to her right, and within a second a huge semi smashed into her.

Nick and I turned and vamp sped away.


Just as planned we got to Xander and Anya's apartment which was considered the place to meet up, normally we would do this at my house or Buffy's but Glory didn't know about Xander's place so it was perfect. Buffy and the others were there when we walked in. Nick hugged Dawn tightly making Buffy and I share a look.

I sighed heavy as Buffy and I were peering through the closed window blinds while Nick and Dawn were talking about the event. Giles was standing listening while Xander and Anya, Willow, and Tara were sitting closely. Tara was still staring at Nick blankly.

"And Vi is just standing there not even blinking like 'bring it on' you know full on Tori-mode" Nick said excitedly. "She was coming right at us and then WHAM!" He slammed his fist into his palm. "Hell-bitch in orbit."

"Go Tor!"

"I knew you'd best Glory eventually, I mean all-all of your years of hunting and training-"Giles said.

"A truck hit her." I told him still staring out the window, my eyes were trained on every movement.


"You threw it at her?" Buffy asked.

"Well, no she more kind of waited for it to hit Glory." Nick said shrugging, Dawn was sitting close enough to be sitting on his lap. "But then we vamp sped off before she could see where we were going."

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