Some Assembly Required*

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I walked into the school seeing signups for some of the schools clubs like the science fair, cheer leading or my type of taste yearbook I would get to go around for the entire school year snapping pictures. 

When I'm not hanging out with the group or slaying or dealing with vampire things you could find me drawing, I love taking pictures, or sketching. An art talent runs in the family, my grandmother was a writer, she'd written some amazing stuff too and aunt Freya liked painting she got to travel the world painting everything she could. 

There were a few exceptions like Mom who chose medicine and Roman who is more into computer stuff like Willow and history. I do like history too. 

I'm also the singer and song writer for a band 'Dingoes Ate My Baby' I joined it in middle school Oz, Devon and I been together since then. 

 Last night I let Buffy take patrol needing to catch up on homework, Rome and I also had to deliver blood to the elderly vamps, and the ones who couldn't hunt for themselves. It wasn't so bad most of us 'teen vamps' have chores like this, it helped our community, and it kept us out of trouble.

"Hey Tori." 

I turned seeing Addie and her two friends Darcy and Zandra. They were just three of the many vampires here.  They always had dyed streaks in their hair and colorful. Addie-pink, Darcy-light blue and Zandra had a mix of different shades of purple in her dreads.

"Hi girls." I greeted smiling. "New dye?"

"yeah, we just got it done last night." Darcy said.

"So, you joining this year?" Zandra asked gesturing to the clipboard. 

"Of course," I told them, grinning and walked up writing my name down.  When I turned to talk to the girls again some type of flash went off, I blinked watching a kid walk off, then shook my head. 

"Did you see Prince Calum on TBBN last night?" Zandra asked earning all our attention. "It said that he's getting ready for his copulation"

Calum was King Tobias and Queen Myra's son, and a copulation was just a fancy term for when a royal vampire finds their mate, someone who will walk the earth with them but it's tricky some mates aren't born yet or others die before you get the chance. The royals go around to the other areas, and search until they find them.  Every vampire has someone out there. Finding them was the tricky part.

"Wouldn't it be sweet if it happened to be one of us?" Addie said gushing. 

"Finding a mate is a powerful thing." Darcy said making us sigh in agreement. 

I was about to say something.

"Tori....sorry...Tori" A voice cut me off.

 I turned seeing Buffy and Willow come up to me. 

"Sorry to interrupt" Buffy said glancing at the girls and then me apologetically. "We got a job"

 I looked at her catching the hint and waved at the girls, walking away with Buffy and Will, to the library finding Roman and the others already there.

"This shouldn't take long. I'm probably the only girl in the school who has the coroner's office bookmarked as a favorite place." Willow said sitting at the computer.

 I sat beside her watching while Buffy, Rome, Xander and Giles were crowded around behind us. 

"Hi. Sorry to interrupt your little undead playgroup." Cordelia said walking in. "but I need to ask Willow if she'll help me with my science fair project,"

"It's a fruit" Willow told her.

"I would've asked Chris to help me, but then that would've brought back too many memories of Daryl." Cordelia told us, staring off into space.

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