The Weight of the World

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(No one's POV ^ picture of Tori as a five year old ^)

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(No one's POV ^ picture of Tori as a five year old ^)

Still at the gas station. Willow, Buffy and Xander stood side by side staring at something, Tara was peeking out the boarded-up windows and Anya was standing beside Giles who still laid on the counter but was conscious. Spike entered his hands were still bandaged poorly in white fabric, his face scrunched up in pain and not just his own, he could feel hers and it made him hurt worse than any pain he ever had before. 

"Better part of a century spent in delinquency just paid off." Spike said nodding towards the door. "Hotwired Ben's auto. Who's for gettin' the hell out of here?"

"All in favor, let's do it." Xander said turning to Giles. "You good to go?"

"Oh don't worry about me." Giles told him. "How's Tori?"

"The same." Buffy said her arm was wrapped around Dawn who looked heart broken. "Still."

"It's been almost half an hour." Willow added.

"She's gonna be all right won't she?" Spike asked staring in that way.

Buffy heard the tone in his voice and saw his face, she and Will shared a look.

"You should try it again." Xander told the girls.

"All right but I'm not sure she's you know...really in there." Willow told him, she sighed stepping forward and kneeled on the ground.

"Can you hear me? Tori!"

Victoria sat still with her hands folded in her lap, staring straight ahead and didn't hear anything or see anything. She looked broken, soulless.



"She can't just be brain-dead." Spike said pacing around behind Xander. "I mean...she's still Tori somewhere in there right?."

"Of course she is." Buffy told him trying to calm him down.

"Guys come on. we're not gonna get Nick back by sittin' around here." Xander told him.

"You're not gonna get Nick back any way you slice it Harris." Spike retorted rolling his eyes. "It's for Tori to decide."

"Good, panic, that oughta help."

"We should move her." Willow said looking at Buffy. "U-unless we shouldn't. Should we?"

"She can't last that long without feeding right?" Dawn asked quietly making the two and Xander sigh. "Maybe we should call Roman."

"No." Buffy told her shaking her head. "She doesn't want him or any of her family pulled into this."

"Losing Nikolai." Giles said with a sigh. "After all Tori's been through...I think it's pushed her too far into some sort of catatonia."

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