A New Man

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Heading to Buffy and Willow's dorm I felt sort of guilty Buffy and Riley were finally at the place where they finally accepted each other's secrets Willow and I both promised that we would stay away so that they could do what couples do which didn't bother me none but something bad had happened so now I needed Buffy. I opened the door and walked right in.

"Apparently not" Buffy muttered.

"Sorry" I told her smiling apologetically. "We got trouble and it's bigger than I can handle."

"What's up?" Buffy asked sitting up.

"I was in the rec room...came in through the window..."

"Vampire?" Riley asked.

"Okay that's insulting." I said and threw him a look. "I think I could handle a lousy vampire." 

"Right sorry...." Riley muttered looking nervous, I smirked.


We quickly moved to the rec room, Buffy had her weapons bag she handed me a sleeved dagger, before handing a crossbow to Riley. 

"I should call for back up." Riley said.

"No time" Buffy said. "Besides Tori is my back up."

I smiled at that, she indicated to the farther door, Riley headed for it while Buffy walked up to the nearer door and put her hand on the knob.

"I wanna make this fast" She told me. "I really had better things to do tonight than kill."

Buffy flung the door opened hand in her bag and walked in suddenly the lights came on, the gang and 10 dorm students from this building jumped out from behind the couches and pinball machines. "SURPRISE!!

Buffy stopped in her tracks and pulled her hand out of the bag. I stuffed the dagger into my boot walking up over to her side.

"Guess you won't be killing anything tonight after all" I said smirking.

"Don't be so sure." Buffy told me, giving me a look while a fake smile plastered her face. I chuckled.


I smiled glancing around the room, music was playing people were laughing and eating, the pin-pong table was filled with soda and a cake which Buffy and Willow were cutting I walked around taking pictures of it all. 

I noticed Giles standing away from the whole thing and decided to walk up to him.

"Hey Giles" I greeted stopping to snap a picture of him. "Having a good time?"

"Yes there are a lot of new faces here, aren't there?" Giles asked.

"Uh huh" I said. "Mostly from this dorm, a few of my friends are here too and a couple of Riley's friends."

"Hey Giles" A voice greeted, we turned seeing Buffy walking up to us, Riley in tow. He looked a little nervous. I gave him a friendly smile.

"Happy Birthday. Nineteen. It's hard to believe, isn't it? I--" Giles said giving Buffy a hug.

"Giles, I want you to meet someone." Buffy said she glanced at me I nodded my head in go for it. "This is Riley Finn. My boyfriend."

Buffy sneaked a quick glance at Riley, he was beaming with a smile making Buffy beam.  Giles looked shocked. 

"Very nice to meet you, Mr. Giles." Riley said shaking Giles hand "Did you help plan this? It was quite a surprise."

"First of many." Giles said. "You've been dating how long?"

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