Something Blue

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(No one's POV)

Sitting alone in her room, Victoria sat on the floor hugging her knees to herself staring at the picture of the guy who left her, beside her was a small shoe box opened with things he had given her, she picked up the charm bracelet he had given her staring at the wolf pendant. She wanted to throw it away and burn everything but couldn't bring herself to do it.

It held other things to like a ticket from their first date and her autographed picture of the first time the band played a gig.  Reaching into the case she pulled out one of his shirts and held it up to her nose, inhaling his scent. Slowly tears rolled from her eyes.

Victoria allowed herself to cry for a few minutes before she wiped them away and started putting everything back, see there were things people expected of her, for example being a born vampire was rare she was one of the only ones in existence it came with a lot of pressure not to mention being a Northman people expect her to be just like her father. 

Tori loved her family but sometimes she wanted a different name, she was always in Eric or Godric's shadow never her own. They expect her to act like they did, she does have some similarities with her father and grandfather but Victoria Northman was also her own person. She was strong, tough, she wasn't one to mess around with, when she got angry it was best to stay clear but she's also sarcastic, funny and a sweetheart.  She was born a Dhampir into a vampire-lycan family and raised in a human world. She had a pure heart and a different point of view. Working hard alongside Buffy so her community could have a better future. Victoria Northman was not heartless, there were even times that she cried, but she would never allow anyone to see her like that. Victoria Northman was not weak and she refused to be seen that way.


(Tori's POV)

Buffy and I were patrolling through the graveyard it was nice getting things back to a little normal. I needed normal.

"It's just, different, you know." Buffy told me.  "A picnic. First of all, daylight kind of a new venue, Buffywise. And the best part he said he would bring all the food, so all I have to do was to show up and eat. Those are two things I'm really good at." 

"so he's nice?" I asked.

"Very" Buffy told me. 

"And there's sparkage?" I asked glancing around the area.

"Yea He's...have you seen his arms? Those are good arms to have. I really like him. I do" Buffy said looking over at me. 


"I don't know. I really like being around him, you know? And I think he cares about me."  She said quietly. "But... I just...feel like something's missing."

"He's not making you miserable?" I asked tilting my head at her. 

"Exactly" Buffy said. "Riley seems so solid like he wouldn't cause me heartache."

"Get out." I joked playing the worried gag. "Get out while there's still time."

"I know.. I have to get away from that bad boy thing. There's no good there." Buffy said frowning. "Seeing Angel in LA... even for five minutes... hello to the pain." 

I looked at her gently. 

"The pain is not a friend." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I know how you feel about taking sides." Buffy added, glancing over at me. "But I can't help thinking isn't that where the fire comes from? Can a nice, safe relationship be that intense? I know it's nuts, but...part of me believes that real love and passion have to go hand in hand with pain and fighting."

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