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 We had all gone back to my house. Kassie had left needing to get back to her mate.

I had a meeting with King Calum who called Queen Helena to explain the situation, Roman was given permission to remain behind as he couldn't travel just yet, but he would be getting a long lecture. He was currently up in his old room healing. If it hadn't been for him being a hybrid, he wouldn't have made it. Hybrids can heal faster than us.

Buffy was at my door saying goodbye to Riley. Willow, Xander and I were in the dining room while Mom was in the kitchen with Giles. I was able to make out the conversation but not near enough. I remained silent during the whole thing trying to keep myself from thrashing out

I said it before I don't like Riley and it has nothing to do with who he is but what he does, if it wasn't for his people. All of those creatures that died wouldn't have died like that. Yes Buffy and I slayed but rounding demons, and vampires and other creatures up,  locking them in cages and forcing them to fight another's battle is not the way.

"Dinner is served!" Mom said coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn while Giles had a tray of drinks and other snacks.

The smell of half burnt popcorn caught my attention.

"You pushed the button on the microwave marked 'popcorn' again didn't you?" I asked taking a piece of my favorites snack homemade jerky. 

"Actually I pushed 'defrost' but Mr. Giles was there in a clinch."  She retorted giving Giles a friendly smile. "food for vampires I can do, but for humans. You think I'd have nailed that down after a thousand years."

She sighed, making me chuckle at her joke.

"Don't worry Camillia, you'll get the hang of it" Giles told her.

Moving into the living room, the girls and I took the couch while Xander sat on the floor below us and Giles took a chair, popping a movie in.

"Let the vidfest begin!" Xander exclaimed.

"You sure you don't want to join us?" Giles asked turning to Mom.

"No, you guys have your fun, I'm tired...taking care of Roman all night."  Mom told us. "I can't believe you guys aren't exhausted. Have you slept since.."

"Still feel a bit too weird." Giles told her.

"Yea that spell." Willow added. "That was powerful."

"I don't think I could sleep." I said nursing a bottle of tru blood.

"Me either" Buffy muttered laying her head against my shoulder.

"Well, we got plenty of vids." Xander said. "And I'm putting in a preemptive bid for Apocalypse now. Heh."

"Shockingly did you get anything less heart of darknessy?" I asked.

"Shockingly you said that."  Xander retorted holding up his chosen movie. "Apocalypse now is a gay romp! It's the feel good movie of whatever year it was!"

"What else?" Buffy asked giving him a stern expression.

"Don't worry, I got plenty of chick and-British-guy-flicks too. These puppies' ll last us all night." Xander told her.

"And if we don't want to chose from Xander's lovely collection, we can always pick one from mine." I joked earning a look.

Once the movie started, the girls and I cuddled up close to each other. Buffy and Willow both feel asleep on my shoulder's, I glanced around seeing Xander passed out and Giles had his head leaning against his hand. I could hear Mom and Roman's slow breathing, soon darkness came.

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