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"Sounds like your mom's in a state of denial." I told Buffy, Willow, Oz and I were sitting with her at a table, I was nursing on gummy worms while listening to Buffy talk.

"More like a continent" Buffy said. "She just has to realize that I can't go away."

"Well maybe not now but soon maybe." Willow told her "Or maybe I too hail from denial land."

"Faith's turn to the dark side of the force pretty much put the proverbial kibosh on any plans for me." Buffy told us.

 "For us."" I muttered shrugging. "I'm just glad UC Sunnydale has a really good medical program and I'm close to mom if she needs me."  

"Are you really going to take nursing?" Willow asked.

"Well I plan on adding a ton of art classes but yeah." I told them nodding. "I think becoming a nurse will be great for my community there's not many vampires who can tolerate being around blood that much, those that can are rare."

" At least we'll be together." Buffy said turning to Willow. "But you, I mean I can't believe you got into Oxford!"

"It's pretty exciting" Willow said.

"That's some deep academia there." I told her. "That's where they make Gileses."

"I know! I could learn and, and have scones." Willow said making me chuckle. "Although I-I don't know how I feel about going to school in a foreign country."

"Everything in life is foreign territory" A voice said. We looked over at Xander sitting at a nearby tree reading a book. "Kerouac he's my teacher. The open road is my school."

"Making the open dumpster your cafeteria?" I asked smirking.

"Go ahead, mock me." Xander said.

"I think she just did." Oz said.

"We bohemian anti-establishment types have always been persecuted."

"Well, sure" Oz said. "you're all so weird."

"I think it's neat you doing the backpack, trail mix happy wanderer thing." Willow said.

"I'm aware it scores kinda high on the hokey-meter, but I think it will be good for me. You know, help me to find myself." Xander said.

"And help us lose to you" Cordelia said walking by. "Everyone's a winner."

"Well look who just popped open a fresh can of venom." Xander said standing up. " Hey, did you hear about Willow getting into Oxnard?"

"Oxford" I told him correctively.

"Oxford and M.I.T and Yale and every other college on the face of the planet. As in your face I rub it." Xander said.

"Oxford? Whoopee! Four years in tea-bag central. Sounds thrilling. And M.I.T. is a clear sail and with housing. And Yale is a dumping ground for those who didn't get into Harvard." Cordelia retorted.

"I got into Harvard." Willow said.

"Any clue on what college you might be attending so we can start calculating minimum safe distance?" Xander asked.

"None of your business." Cordelia told him. "Certainly nowhere near you losers!"

"Okay you guys" Buffy told them. "Don't forget to breathe between insults"

"I'm sorry Buffy" Cordelia told her. "This conversation is reversed for people who actually have a future." 

Cordelia turned and left. 

"An angry young woman." Oz said.

"Oh she was just being Cordelia." Willow told us. "Only more so don't pay any attention to her."

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