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We were all at the Bronze Buffy, and Xander were dancing while I decided to sit this one out and hang with Oz, Willow, Roman and Cordy since she started dating Xander, she and I have reconciled our old friendship. 

We just sat around talking, listening to the music.

After a few hours of just being with our friends, I linked arms with Buffy and Will walking out. Oz, Roman, Cordy and Xander trailed behind us.

 We separated Roman took Will home, Oz and I headed to my house, heading upstairs to my room, to hang out and watch movies. 


"He was in my room" Buffy said the moment we entered the library the next morning.

Giles was behind the counter checking in various books. 

Buffy walked past him toward the table.

"Who?" Giles asked.

"Angel, he was in my room last night" Buffy said.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at her. 

"Positive when I woke up, I found a picture he'd left on my pillow." Buffy told us.

"A visit from the pointed-tooth fairy." Xander commented.

"Wait I thought vampires couldn't come in unless you invite them in." Cordelia asked confused.

 "Yeah but once a hellmouth is invited in." I told her.  "they can come in anytime they want." 

Buffy looked down.

"Wait, What about AVL vampires?" Cordy asked.

"As long as a human owns the house they have the right to recline the invitation" I told her making her hum. 

"Good to know." She retorted. 

 "Y'know I think there may be a valuable lesson for you gals here about inviting strange men into your bedrooms." Xander said interrupting.

"Oh my god! I invited him in my car once, That means he can come into my car whenever he wants." Cordelia said crying.

"Yep your doomed to havin' to give him and his vamp pals a lift whenever they feel like it. And those guys never chip in for gas." Xander joked.

"Giles there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the invitation right? like a barrier a no shoes, no pulse no service kind of thing?" Buffy asked.

"That doesn't effect Dhampir's." I added earning a nod.

"Yeah that works for a car too?" Cordelia said.

"Yes, well, I-I-I could check on my.-" Giles said.

"Hello!" Xander said cutting him off and we all looked behind us to see Jonathan and a girl came into the library. "Excuse me but have you ever heard of knocking?"

"We're supposed to get some books. On Stalin." Jonathan said.

"Does this look like a Barnes and Noble?" Xander asked them.

"It's a school library Xander." Roman told him, while Giles went to help the students. When they're gone we packed up and moved outside the library.

 "Since when?"  Xander retorted looking at Rome.

"Giles, Angel once told me that when he was obsessed with Drusilla, the first thing h-he did was to kill her family." Buffy said.

"Your mom." Willow said looking at Buffy.

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