Bring on the Night

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(possible triggers!!)

After the fight when the First distracted us to take Spike. My house was a major mess, but I didn't care, I just wanted him back. I knew he was in serious pain; they were doing something to him because I could feel it, it was way worse than any pain I've ever felt. 

I sat at the table with warmed up gator blood, trying to ease the pain and stop crying, I wasn't feeling very much like Victoria Northman. I played with my father's necklace thinking of what he would do while doing research at the table. 

Buffy and Willow were with me, Will had her laptop. 

Dawn, Nick and Anya were on the couch and Xander was sweeping up some broken glass from the fight. 

"It's a loop." Xander said in frustration. "Like the Mummy hand. I'm doomed to replace these windows for all eternity, you know maybe we should just board these up until things are less Hellmouthy." 

"Nothing." Anya said from where she was sitting, holding up a notebook she was reading. "And nothing." She held up two more in each hand. "Cliff notes to nothing. Nothing abridged..."

"Yeah." Willow said looking up from her laptop. "My search isn't turning anything up either., Are you sure this is the First?"

"Positive." I told her. "All vampires know about the First and what they can do, the first is claimed to be the original evil."

"Please." Anya said scoffing, she looked over her reading glasses at us. "How many times have I heard that line in my demon days? I'm so rotten, they don't even have a word for it. I'm bad. Baddy bad bad bad. Does it make you horny?" 

We all stared at her. 

 "Or terrified. Whatever." She added. 

"It wasn't a line." I told them sternly. "When I came up against this thing, I felt it, the power. It was ancient and enormous." 

"It nearly got Angel to kill himself." Buffy added making me nod. 

"And if we don't rescue Spike soon, God only know what the First'll get him to do." Nick said. 

"Spike would never give in, he'd die first." I muttered frowning, feeling tears in my eyes, I reached up and covered them with my hands leaning on the table for a few minutes and tried to breath. "I can feel him, he's refusing to give in..." 

"What else do you know?" Buffy asked looking at me, I looked back at her.

"Just what I was taught, that the First was the first evil and all vamps should beware." I told her shrugging. "Not even Lilith could defeat it and she was said to be the mother of us all."

Xander looked over at Andrew who was tied to a chair, passed out. 

"I wish sleeping ugly would come to." He said rolling his eyes. "He's been out all night."

"Yes, he was just starting to squeal when the spooky SWAT attacked. Said The First was held up at the Seal of...Danzar something?" Anya told us. 

"Hmm." Dawn said walking over to him. "Maybe he's just faking so he doesn't have to answer any more questions."

She suddenly punched him in the face making us look at her. I glanced at Buffy who stared at her sister in shock.  Dawn stood back to observe him.  "Hm. Or maybe he's in a fugue state." 

She reared back to punch him again.

"Dawn." Buffy said interrupting her. 

She looked over with an innocent look. 


"He'll come to when he wants to." Buffy told her in amusement. "Keep reading, if we're gonna rescue Spike, we need to figure out how to fight this thing."

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