Normal Again

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(no one's POV)

It was a quiet afternoon at the Northman house, Nick was at school and Spike was somewhere, since the chores and everything were done, her cousins had gone home. Victoria decided to take a small nap.

She was curled up downstairs in the basement in her grandfather's library, reading and enjoying the warmth of a fire. Soon she felt her eyes shut and laid her head back. 

-short dream- 

Victoria woke with a smile; she sighed in content and stretched a little sitting up, she grinned spotting a ring on her finger and then looked around the room, her bedroom, then beside her at her sleeping mate. 

He stirred a little but stayed sleeping, making her grin bigger at his cuddlyness.  She shook her head in amusement and slowly pushed the covers back and got up, grabbing her robe. It was about five in the morning so the sun was just waking up. 

She quietly walked out of the room, and down the hall hearing noises in one room she stopped. It was her old room, her head tilted. 

Opening the door, she was met with a crying sound looking around the room. It had been redone, the walls were two different shades of red and pretty black paneling. The furniture what little was here was now made out of pretty oak. There was a small crib.

That was where the sound was coming from, Tori saw a small baby wrapped in a blanket crying, a little girl. 

Tori moved closer and lifted the child up in her arms shushing her. Tori saw there were tears in her eyes and held her closer. 

"It's alright my love." 

She brought the child into her arms, letting her cry for a few minutes and turned walking out of the room.

Before going down she made sure the child was secure and walked down the kitchen stairs directly in the kitchen.

She carried the child as she walked around the island to the fridge and pulled out a bag of blood and split it between a coffee cup and a baby bottle. 

Once the blood was heated up, she tested it and then fed the child soon she stopped crying making Tori smile. 

"That's my girl." 

----End of small dream----

Victoria's eyes snapped open, she sat up looking around her area, finding herself still in Godric's study. She stood up taking the wooly blanket off her and frowned. 

She felt a bile in the back of throat and rushed getting up and sped upstairs into the bathroom.

(Tori POV)

On an open street late at night, Buffy and I were patrolling, searching for the geek squad. Some of my contacts had told me about a new rental and decided to check it out. 

Buffy was holding two pieces of stapled together paper that we were studying as we walked. I still wasn't really feeling all that great, but Buffy needed help and I so badly wanted to find these nerds, so I shrugged it off. I wondered what that dream was about though and what was going on with me. 

I took in a couple breaths, as we were walking, trying to track them and stopped, staring up at a nearby house. Quietly we walked around the building, hearing a horn sound. We shared a look, rounding the corner and found a dark alley, containing a pickup truck and a car. 

I walked into the alley in front of Buffy, sniffing around and stopped.

"They're here." I told her quietly, hearing something drop and landed behind us. We turned to look at it, finding an ugly demon with waxy skin and weird marble like eyes.

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