Conversations With Dead People

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It was around midnight I had just gotten off a shift at the hospital and felt the need to beat something up before I went home to deal with family stuff. 

I was in a cemetery, kneeling beside a fresh grave a hand popped out of the soil.

"Here we go." I muttered smirking. 

He pulled himself up and out of the grave. 

Before he could touch me, I punched him in the face twice. 

The vampire blocked the next punch, punching me twice and grabbed me to throw me through the air. 

My back hit a tree which I ended up breaking it and fell. 

I groaned in pain for a minute and jumped back to my feet. The vamp tried to kick my head, but I ducked and spun him around. He tried to punch me, but I blocked it and punched him twice in the face, kicking him in the chest and then the face. 

He went back, I glanced him over he was dressed in a nice black suit, light blue shirt and tie. 

Although he was a newborn, he was awfully strong and fought better than most. He headbutted me, trying to flip me to the ground. I landed on my feet naturally and punched him in the face. 

The vamp threw me away to try and make me fall but I managed to hold myself and spun kicked him in the face before backhanded punching him in the chest. 

He pushed me up against a headstone, grabbing at my throat and came in for the kill but suddenly stopped.

"Victoria?" He asked pulling back making me stare at him raising an eyebrow. "Victoria Northman?"

"Uh..." I muttered stepping back a little to look him over again. "Do we know each other?" 

"Oh, uh Webs." The man said lauging. "Holden Webster. We went to school together. European History. We went head-to-head with the Vaclav Havel essay that one time." He paused. "You-you really don't remember me." 

"Sure." I told him remembering kind of. 


Holden and I were talking casually just standing there in the cemetery. 

"Okay I remember junior year." Holden said. "Spring production of Pippin' uh I did the lighting, and you were there with Devon and Oz fixing up the sound equipment, you helped me move the lighting board and I dropped it on your foot."

"I totally remember that.' I told him chuckling. "Devon kept freaking out about rather I could still play, like it was just my foot not my voice." 

He laughed at that. 

"Well, you know it's not like I was a big part of your life or anything." He told me. 

"No, I just, I didn't recognize you, you know." I told him gently. "You're face, all demon and I think you've filled out a lot."

"Oh, yea well." He said looking him to self over. "Well, I got into to Tae Kwon Do in a big way at Dartmouth so."

"That's great." I told him smiling. 

"Yeah." He chuckled looking me over. "And you, you're still looking like a flawless goddess, how has your life been?" 

"It's been great." I told him putting my hands in my pockets, ignoring the goddess part... "I work at Sunnydale Hosptial and raising my daughter." 

"Oh, you're married?" He asked. "You and Oz?"

I stared at him.

"No uh not Oz, he and I broke up and I found someone new wouldn't call us married though." I told him smiling and glanced down at my hand with a ring on a finger the ring Spike gave me years ago and I kinda started wearing just because. "Anyway, what have you been up to?"

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