Who Are You?

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(No one's POV)

It was early the next morning when I found myself at Giles, with Anya, Willow and Xander waiting for Buffy, it took all night before we heard that Faith had went after Buffy's mother and Buffy caught her. If she had gone after mine I don't think she would be breathing.

"Buffy good" Giles said when Buffy finally walked in.

"Wow, Scooby gangs all here, Willow...Xander...Victoria and...." Buffy trailed off staring at Anya. "Everyone what's up?

I raised an eyebrow at her actions.

"It's about Faith" Giles said. "Not surprisingly."

"Didn't Joyce tell you?" Buffy asked sitting down on Giles desk. "I kicked that ass."

"I feel a high-five coming on." Xander said.

"Where is she?" Willow asked.

"Going to the big house" Buffy told us. "Cops took her off my hands about an hour ago. Poetic justice."

"How's that?" Anya asked.

"Well she did all those crimes and now she's been arrested, I guess that's just regular justice." Buffy said. "Anyway it's cool."

"Unless I'm mistaken" Giles said. "Faith is no longer in police."

"What are you talking about?" Buffy asked standing up.

"The Watcher's council." Giles said.

"Those geeks?"

"Yes those geeks have sent a retrieval team to capture Faith." Giles told us.

"Yeah cause that worked so well when Wesley tried it." Buffy said.

"They sent an operations team they handle the councils trickier jobs" Giles said. "Smuggling, interrogation, wet works."

"What's wet works?" Willow asked.

"Scuba type stuff." Xander told her.

"I thought it was murder." Anya said.

"Well yea, but there could be underwater " Xander said attempting a joke. "Murder with the snorkels.

"And they're taking her to England." Buffy asked.

"It's be a long, long time before she returns." Giles said. "If she ever does at all."

Suddenly Buffy started laughing, I looked over at her raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry it's just I'm happy" Buffy said. "Faith is so evil and evil is wrong, I'm glad she's going to England."

"I hope they throw the book at her." I said with a little anger in my tone.

Buffy stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I'm not sure there is a book for something like this." Giles told me.

"They can throw other things." I retorted holding my hand up. "Like my fist."

"I forgot how much you don't like Faith." Buffy said.

"After everything she's done?" I asked scoffing. "I hate her. I wish those council guys would give me an hour alone in the room with her, I'd love to give her face a makeover."

"So what you're saying is that other than Tori being pissy everything's fine?" Anya asked I threw her a look.

"Yes" Giles said.

"Well I'm glad that you called us all here because that information could never be conveyed by telephone." Anya retorted.

"I thought it would be best for us to convene." Giles said. "just in case there were any loose ends or problems we haven't thought of yet but if I'm keeping you..."

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