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Standing in a place called Pop's Pumpkin patch I was thrown backwards landing on top a countdown sign, I landed flat on my back, I looked up at the vampire coming at me and I growled jumping to my feet.

 Buffy came up behind him and threw a squash at the back of his head. The vampire turned to her as she pulled a stake out from her jacket. 

The vampire turned and grabbed a scarecrow and quickly shoved it in front of him when Buffy threw the stake so that the scarecrow got impaled instead. He tossed the scarecrow to the side and went at her with a roundhouse kick, she went to the ground hard.

I sped up behind but the vampire twisted and knocked me back into a hay wagon. Growling I kicked the vampire to the ground.

 The vampire got to his feet I turned my body around and grabbed the railings, wrapping my legs around the vampire's head into a scissor hold.

I twisted my body and flipped him over sideways onto the ground. I back flipped back onto the wagon.

"Tori heads up" Buffy called tossing me a countdown sign. I caught it in midair and drove the end of the post into his back. The vampire quickly burst into ashes.  I jumped to the ground and went over to Buffy. I held a hand out to Buffy, she took it standing up. 

"I think that was a record." She told me, we grinned at each other and linked arms walking out. 


I walked with Buffy to the Bronze, it was just us since Willow and Xander were busy. Roman had to help Sheriff Henry and would be gone for the entire month.

We looked around and saw Angel at the table with Cordelia laughing. 

"I'm sure it's nothing." I told Buffy.  She didn't answer but I could sense her frustration, she turned and started to leave.  Angel noticed, the smile wiped off his face and got up. 


 He looked at me and then ran off after her.

I walked off towards an empty table and sat down watching Buffy and Angel talk it out. I'm staying out of it knowing it's not my place. 

Buffy gave Angel a look and turned leaving him behind. I sighed and stood up to follow. Accidentally I bumped into someone's back.

 "Oh sorry" I said quickly and looked up.

The person turned around and I realized it was Oz.  

"Sorry Oz, wasn't paying attention." I told him shaking my head with a chuckle.

He gave me a slight smile; I noticed his eyes had the slightest shade of green in them. 'Huh never noticed that before'

"It's cool we on for practice tomorrow?" He asked.

 "Of course," I told him, smiling and turned leaving the bar.


The next day I walked into one of the halls and find signup sheets and posters for Halloween were being put up and Snyder walking around with a clipboard. Willow, Xander and Buffy were with me.

"Snyder must be in charge of the volunteer safety program for Halloween this year." Willow said.

 "Note his interest take on the volunteer concept." Xander said.

"What's the deal?" Buffy asked.

We reached our lockers, I opened mine shrugging my leather jacket off, and hung my scarf on the little hook. Everything I owned was dark, leather or in that area.  I owned tons of leather jackets and other things, once a week I would pick out different pieces of my collection to create outfits. 

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