Beauty and the Beasts

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The Moon was full tonight which meant Oz had to be locked up so I was with him, I was reading  out of a book we needed to do for homework. 

"One night after supper, the lead dog turned up a snowshoe rabbit." I said reading out loud pacing a little. "The dog lay down low to the race his body flashing forward, leap by leap. He was sounding the deeps of his nature and the parts of his nature that were deeper than he, going back into the wombs of time. The rabbit could not-"

Suddenly Oz's werewolf self rammed up against the cage door trying to attack me, I stared at him. 

"Okay uh maybe we should try a less stimulating passage." I muttered flipping through the pages of the book, Oz growled at me I stopped and looked at him. "Don't you growl at me." 

He gave me a look and settled down. 

"That's more like it." I told him and  smirked, looking back to the book, hearing footsteps.

"Private Harris reporting for Oz watch."

I looked up to see Xander walking up to me carrying a thermos and a couple of magazines, looking tired.

 "Xander good." I said smiling. "perfect timing." 

"Oh! call of the wild" He said noticing the book and took it out of my hands reading the title." Aren't we reading the cliff notes to this for English?"

"Some of us are" I said taking it back from him and looked at Oz. "Anyway it'll help you stay awake. It's good."

We headed over to the table where my things were.

 "Just don't read any parts with rabbits" I whispered and Oz heard that and slammed against the cage banging it loudly Xander jumped and I just looked at Oz calmly.  "What did I just tell you no growling and no doing that either!"

 He settled down, just glaring at me. 

"Rabbis?" Xander repeated.

"It seems to make the wolf a little overexcited...kinda interesting" I told him putting the book on the table and started to pack my stuff up. "His clothes are on top of the file cabinet in the cage if he forgets. Those towels are for privacy."

"Uh no worries Tor, I can handle the Oz full Monty" Xander said smirking, thinking it over and frowned. "I mean not 'handle' handle like 'hands to flesh' handle."

"Okay well, it's not for you, it's for me." I told him. "'I'm still getting used to half a monty."

"Oh good" Xander said before realizing what I said. "Half?. You and Oz?, which half?"

 "Wouldn't you like to know?" I told him smirking smugly.  "Anyway he's more calm tonight and tired on the third night. Tomorrow night the total full moon that's when the wolf is more powerful...I hope there won't be any trouble." I reached across the table and grabbed the dart rifle. "But just in case."

Xander grabbed it from me with his right hand while still holding up his things with his left, and slipped his finger into the trigger guard. 

"Sleepy time gotcha." He said holding the stock of the weapon against his shoulder.

"Thanks again for doing this, I wouldn't ask but since Buffy and Faith have the slayings under control Rome's forcing me to go hunt" I told him sighing. 

"No big you can count on me."

"Can I?" I asked staring at him "Please don't let him out of your sight, keep him safe."

"I got my coffee, magazines figured I'd read maybe." He said waving the gun around while he talked. "Run the stairs over there a bit, I'm good."

"Okay Xan" I said taking the gun from his hands and sat it on the table, I picked up my side bag and started out on my way out I glanced at the wolf frowning for a second in thought but shook it off and walked out.

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