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The next day since Mama decided to stay at Fangtasia for a while, I made Nick go hang out with his friends and called Buffy and Giles over. I sat on the couch next to Buffy where I just exploded and told them everything.

"uh I don't know what to say." Buffy said.

"Tell me about it." I muttered crossing my arms.

"He has no idea?" Giles asked.

"No." I told them shaking my head. "He thinks he's my little brother."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"How can I?" I asked them sighing. "He'd freak and that's the last thing we have to keep him safe."

"This....woman, this, uh, whatever she was... she knows you now." Giles said. " Should we be thinking about ... sending Nick away?"

"Away where?" I asked looking at him.

"Roman's?" Buffy said suggesting. "Kassandra's? of your other cousins?"

"Roman is in Spain with Aimee and the twins. Beth and Felix are helping Aunt Pam with Mama." I told them. "And Kassie is pregnant and preparing for the baby...When Godric died, Nick and I were the ones who took him up to Louisiana and buried his ashes with grandma. I told him about how Godric always saw us as a sign of hope, a miracle...but it wasn't real."

Giles and Buffy gave me a sympathetic frown.

"They sent him to me." I added. "I think...I have to take care of him, I want to. It's what my grandparents would have done."

"Do we tell the others?" Buffy asked.

"No, no one." I told them sighing. "They'd act weird around him, he would sense it instantly and it's, it's safer for everyone if they don't know... At least for now."

"Yes." Giles said getting up, he started to pace. "We have to find out who this woman is, and what she needs Nick for."

"She was pretty strong, stronger than me." I muttered pondering.

"If she comes after you-" Buffy started to say.

"She'll come." I told her flatly. "She'll come for us."


I sighed as I looked around my princess room at the college campus, I was going to live at home with Nicky and Mama. School was just not on my mind anymore. Anyway we were in my room packing up what I had. I was kind of sad to leave though, so many memories happened here.

I stacked some boxes out in the hallway. Xander and Riley carried out my mini-fridge and Xander accidently bumped his hand on the door frame.

"Ow! Thumb! Necessary opposable thumb!."

"Sorry crybaby." Riley told him.

"You know what?" I said looking at them with a look Xander knew well. "Just leave it here, thanks."

"Got it."

He and Xander sat the fridge down while Nick emerged from the door, carrying a stack of boxes that obscured his vision.

"I don't need help." Nick muttered happily. "Gotta love that vampire elegance power."

"Just be careful, don't break anything" I told him turning to enter through the door seeing Buffy, Willow, Anya and Giles in a dorm room, surrounded by more boxes.

I raised an eyebrow at the scene.

" But we just helped her move the stuff in a few days ago... " Anya said complaining, she turned seeing me stand there. "And it was fun!"

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