Band Candy!

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Buffy, Roman, Willow, Oz and I were walking down the outside stairs of the school, Oz and I were holding hands.

"And then I was being chased by an improperly filled-in answer bubble screaming, 'none of the above." Buffy said telling us all about her issues with the studying last night.

"Wow. I hope that wasn't one of your prophecy dreams."  Willow said.

Buffy gave her a look  

"Probably not" Will said.

"Hey you know I took it last year." Oz told her.. "I could help you get ready. There's this whole trick to antonyms but...this isn't the place."

"Oz is the highest-scoring person ever to fail to graduate pretty cool huh?." I told them.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and continued walking along the colonnade.

"Isn't she cute when she's proud." Roman said commenting.

"She's always cute." Oz said smiling at me, I grinned back. 

"I am aren't I?" I asked innocently, making them laugh at me.

"We could work on it tonight" Willow said glancing between me and Buffy.

Xander and Cordelia walked up behind us.

"Work on what?" Xander asked.

"Oh god, are we killing something again?" Cordelia asked. 

I rolled my eyes.

"Only my carefree spirit." Buffy said.

"Buffy's SAT Prep" Willow told him.

"I hate they make us take that thing. It's totally fascist, and personally, I think it, uh, discriminates against the uninformed." Xander told us.

"Actually, I'm looking forward to it. I do well on standardized tests." Cordelia said calmly.

She got a look from everyone except me, I already knew Cordelia was more smarter than she let on.

"What? I can't have layers?" Cordelia asked.

We cut to the hall doors near the cafeteria.

 "so Buffy study tonight?" I asked.

"Uh, yes on the studying, no on tonight. I'm putting in Mom time. She's been drastic ever since I got back. And Giles is even worse. I'm supervised 24-7." Buffy said.

"It's like being in the Real World house, only real." Willow said

We walked into the cafeteria.


We saw a table piled with boxes of Milkbar fund-raiser chocolate. Other students were each taking a box as Snyder checked their names off a clipboard.

"Oooh Candy bars! lots of 'em" Willow said excitedly.

Snyder held out a box

"Principal Snyder thank you!" Xander said taking it.

"You weren't visited by the ghost of Christmas past, by any chance?" I asked leaning into Oz and smirked.

"It's band candy, Northman" He said sneering at me.

"Let's hear it for the band, huh" Buffy said. "Very generous"

"You will sell it to raise money for the marching band, they need new uniforms." Snyder told us.

"Yeah" I muttered jokingly. "Those tall, fuzzy hats ain't cheap huh?"

"But they go with everything." Oz said making me grin. 

"I'm sure we love the idea of going all Willy Loman but we're not in the band." Buffy said.

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